Mister Moon

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Mister moon.
Why is your light so dull?
Why not shine like the sun?
To brighten out our world.
Don't you want to see our smiles?
Happy faces amongst our sugary people?
We frown in the dim light.
You know.
Our people are afraid of the darkness.
Shadows and creepy, crawly things.
Anything can take a life within those shadows!

Mister moon.
Why are your nights so cold?
I shiver in bed with my covers up to my nose.
I've got a cold all from the damp air.
And my feet has sores.
Oh why is it so cold?
Why aren't you like mistress sun?
She makes us warm and fuzzy.
No cold or sores!
Just enough vitman D and a whole lotta energy!

Mister moon.
Is it because of our sins?
At night we rape, we kill and steal.
At night, we're demons of prey.
What's yours is mine.
Death to the innocent.
Your misfortune is my fortune.

Your nights are punishments
Ain't it?
But we don't care. We continue to purge.
We're wicked, evil, all hidden in disguise.
Just like that man I passed. A woman he had killed.

And mistress sun?
She's beginning to see.
That's why she grows bigger.
That's why she grows hotter.
Because one day she will explode.
And wipe out all our sins in a fiery escapade.

I understand mister moon.
I see it all too.
The vile and the condemn.
The ones who suffer without justice.
I see it all.
And it all goes down during the night.

I'm sorry. I pray they will change.
But what can prayers do?
When it's already too late?


Yeah I don't know what this was either. I was listening to the news (Ha! Look at me being an adult!) and I wrote this! Yay!

Tommorow will be two more poems based of whatever comes to mind!!!

And I might just do that as my schedule now that I think of it. Two poems a day..... I think I can manage.

But anyways hope you like this one!

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