Return To Mother Nature

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A broken wheel on grass woven carpet.
A mishaped face covered in dust.
Vines. Like ants they climb on walls.
And seaping through the many cracks? Are flowers covered in gold.

Blood red roses patched the swings.
Scattered dandelions layers the slides.
Tulips mounts the monkey bars.
And dandelions lay in heaps on the seasaws.

Instead of children, the trees run the park.
Their nourishments are the broken pipes below.
And from them fruits hang from their branches.
Plucked and stored for the harsh, cold winter.

Mother Nature has reclaimed this park.
At a terrifying pace.
At an alarming rate.
But her beauty is ever bright.
So is her kindness to feed the poor.
Yet it makes you sit and wonder.
How long do we have left
Until another soul angers her yet again
Until she reclaims this wicked beast of a morden world?

This poem was written for a contest that I was tagged into by Confused-constantly. I decided to join it, and I can't wait to see the results!!! 😝😝

If you would like to join the contest, you can find it in my reading list, "Poem Contest 🏆".

If you are gonna join then I wish you the bestest of luck. 😁

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