Seasons Change

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Spring oh spring
Rejoice it's spring
The flowers are finally blooming
The sky; a hazy dew
Bears come out to play
And nature welcomes you
Its the start of a new beginning
Human love in the air
Like New Years they share a kiss
Like the earth bares her gifts

Summer oh summer
Ocean blue waves
Stormy nights upon us
The world a scorching maze
Rainbowed flags for the 7th
Fireworks & hotdogs for the 4th of the 8th
Children run free
Tequilas and shots on spree
Hotel nights in foreign countries
The moonedane stress we suppress

Autumn oh Autumn
Once green turned grey
Shriveled and dry
Saddest season of them all
Return to the abyss
Where haunted figures lay
Ghostly creatures walk the night
For the big feast of stuffed beast
With wheat and meat not a trick or treat
They creep and creep to the coldest month
And before you know it, Autumn's done

Winter oh winter
Salt on snow
A fat old man on his sleigh
And an ugly looking goblin
Gifts for me and you
Under a plastic pinecone tree
Seasons greetings
Christians paradise
The world painted white
The heavens rejoice
Hell's anarchy; Christ's birth
Lucky for us to finish the year
But what about those who lost the race?

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