Fight Or Die

57 7 0

Bow down to the man that sits on his throne.
Standing tall and immaculate against his peers.
He's the richest of them all
Fine wine is what he drinks.

Bow down to him.
For he makes the decisions,
Decides the fate of our country.
He's the oppressor.
Our dictator.

We bow but what's it all worth?
Our country has fallen
Invasion from the East and West takes our jobs.
And he does nothing about it but sit on his thrown.
We as a people are falling to crime.
Just to provide.
Unable to use our voices.
Because of prison or worse.

So we watch,
As he leads with an iron fist
And condemn us all to hell.
Our generation succumbs to poverty.
Our future isn't bright.

We as a people needs to stand up!
Forget our fears and start a riot!
Revolt against the wicked.
The dictator whom we so call lord.
We need a change.
So we need to fight.
For our future generation.
For our own emancipation.

Troubled Youth [Poem Collection]Where stories live. Discover now