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My sweet old grandma.
She's as delicate as the dandelions in the field.
Sweet as the honey nectar oozing from the yellow hibiscus.
Her everlasting love extends to all.
She even broke bread for the homeless man down the road.

I love my grandma
Shes precious with her smile.
Easy on the discipline.
And tender with her care.
She bakes me cookies
Little heart shapes.
With a pink ribbon as a symbol.

Grandma loves to sew.
Entertwining needles and thread
Peice by peice
She repairs the fabric
Mending the threads together
Just like our family
Where she helped sew so many torn relationships.

My grandma has a garden
In it are tulips, buttercups, and sunflowers all free of weeds.
There's not a day that the garden isn't neat.
Grandma had won so many trophies for it
If you ask me I think it's because of the gardens special secret.
The body beneath the dirt that keeps it nice and fertilized.

I love my grandma
Angelic fragile angel.
She doesn't know that I saw her that night.
Soaked in blood, drenched in rain Dragging grandpa's lifeless corspe through the mud to his final resting place.

Do you want to meet my Grandma?
I promise she's nice.
She'll serve you milk and cookies.
But only if you're polite.

October explains why I wrote this mighty short poem. I love this spooky month with every fiber of my being.

Hope your enjoying my poems so far. I appreciate your kindness in even reading it in the first place.

The second poem of today will be coming out later. I couldn't sleep and that's why I decided to write this and post it so early! So cheers to you if your up and about reading this at 12:30AM!

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