The Voices

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I close my eyes but I still here them.
Voices; they whisper to me.
Words of prosecution.
Demanding my failure.

"Breathe, you got this."
But I'm already shaking.
Barely hanging on to my wits.
Chewing onto my bottom lip
My nails a messy chop.
Loose strands of hair underneath 'em.

Those eerie voices.
They blind me from the good in me.
I'm running low on self esteem.
The confident me? It's confidential
A secret, unknown even to me.

Fear is my best friend.
Expecting the worse is my routine.
I don't need others unwanted opinions to know that I'm a physical
A detriment in society.

Those voices keep me in check.
Swallowing whatever lil' pride left within.
They shush me and keep me on that fragile line.

I'm a captive to my own mentality.
The voices they control me.
I let them chose what the world should see today.
And what the world sees before them is a monstrosity shrodded in doubt.

I can't do this.
I'll only make a fool of myself.
Deep breaths doesn't work.
Foolish was I to think I could do different.
I tried to imagine.
But I can't change me.

I gave in to those voices
The chants.
A chorus of melodonic degradation
I ran from the stage.
A loser is what I'll be named tomorrow
All because the boy before them couldn't speak.
Couldn't even say his one, single line.

I did it! It's late (not really) but I wrote the second poem for today even though work has me drained! 😣

Hope you enjoyed this and as always expect more from me tomorrow my fellow readers!!! 😊

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