Time Is Healing

40 5 14

Time is healing.
Little by little,
Day by day,
We all heal with time.

Its takes longer for most.
Probably a month
Others heal faster.
In just a couple of weeks,
Or even days.

But nonetheless we heal.
We recuperate.
We take hold of our demons,
And command them to stop.
We seize those thoughts 'n emotions,
The detrimental ones,
And transform them into something,
Something brighter.

Its not a race.
And it's important that it's not forced.
The smile needs to be genuine.
Happiness comes at its own pace.

Let the emotions take control of you.
For that day.
That week.
That month.
But don't let it rule you for an eternity.
Don't let it ponder you,
Or drive you mad with insanity.
Don't let it make you feel insecure.
Let it only be for but a moment.
And as time should have it,
Let it pass.

Feel it.
But don't hold on to it forever.
Learn from it.
And don't mask it.
Devour it and not it devour you.

Time is a special gift.
And healing is just one of it's qualities.
You heal with acceptance to time.
It hurts for a season.
At the end of it,
You will grow,
From the ashes of pain.
It's what makes us all human.

Slow and steady.
Fast and hurry.
No matter the circumstances.
No matter how long.
We heal.
You heal.
I heal.

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