Three Little Words

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You say those words.
Day in and day out.
I hear them all the time.
Those three little words.

From the moment I was conceived,
I heard you both say it.
And I smiled up at you two.
Because truly, I felt it.

And you don't have to be audible.
Because your actions prove them.
When I look into your eyes, the windows to your soul.
Its there.
Its unconditional,
Both discerning and deserving.

But over the years, I begin to wonder.
Will you still say them?
Those three little words?
If I said I was different,
Will there be a difference?
If I said I was one of them?
Will you treat me like you treat them?

And I begin to wonder too.
If I'll still say those words.
Those three little words.
When you remove my privileges,
Curse me to hell,
Wish upon my death,
And spit on my grave.

And the first poem of today is complete! Yessss!

Ill be uploading the next poem later on today so be prepared for that!!!

Troubled Youth [Poem Collection]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora