I Lost Someone

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I Lost Someone
On a moonless night
With clouds of gray
Raining hails and stones

A phone call was enough
To send my world into despair
It was like a fog of darkness
That had washed over me
My emotions went turbellent
My thoughts turned suicidal
My heart stopped

Dear I say I was the reason
What was his reasoning

Two weeks I last saw him
Bright as ever
The same nonchalant behavior
Goofy. Down to earth
Chilled as always

One week he called me
He was broken
Ruptured into a fragile state
But he held a mask in his voice
For that reason I didn't know

Two days ago
He pulled the trigger
And with that he was gone

Its been two days
Two days since the accident
Two days since I lost myself
And in those two days
I haven't cried
Not once

I feel empty
I don't have any emotion
Where's that feeling of rawness
That crushing weight of grief
He's dead
And I can't feel a thing

I Lost Someone
Someone dear to me
Someone close to me
They kept me going
And now that he's gone....
What's even the point of living

I took this down a while ago, but I decided to post it back up.

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