Prologue; The Day Of Broken Promises

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"If this jackass keeps tailing me, I'm gonna slam the breaks." 

Davy lifted her head from her hands and stared with a confused and moderately disturbed expression. 

"Holy Hell, Jamie!" she shouted, "Are you trying to kill both of us?"

Her sister scoffed, "Please, he's driving a beetle. We'd be fine."

"Do you really want your first impression on Manchester to be a dent it your car? If you don't care about appearances, why don't you just go to Coeur d'Alene here in town-"

Before Davy could get the words out of her mouth, Jamie's hand darted forward and turned her phone volume to it's highest setting. The previously quiet music blared from the speakers, deafening any point Davy was attempting to make.

Groaning, Davy screamed over the music, "REALLY? YOU'RE AVOIDING THIS?"

With the roll of her eyes, Jamie turned the music back down and sighed, "Just- Let's not talk about Manchester today. It depresses you, and today was supposed to be a fun day off. Please don't worry yourself too much over my move."

With a deep sigh, Davy nodded and turned back to her window without a word. She stared at the trees passing in a blur as they sped down the highway. She took no notice of their location until the car began to slow and before she knew it, Jamie was pulling onto a side street.

Less than five minutes later, they were parked in front of a large suburban house. Davy reached for the handle of her door, but before she could get a grip, the lock snapped and she was trapped.

Jamie turned in her seat, arms crossed and eyes narrowed as she huffed, "Alright. What's wrong? You're ignoring me."

"It's been..." she looked over at the clock on the radio, "less than ten minutes. I don't know if that counts as ignoring."


"Fine," she groaned, "I just... I'm used to seeing you every day. At the very least, you could have given me some kind of warning."

"That's what this is about?" Jamie laughed, "I've been meaning to tell you for months, but I just never got around to it. Still, I told you over a week ago."

Davy rolled her eyes, muttering, "I just wish you would tell me things."

"What's that supposed to mean? I tell you everything." 

"You used to," Davy retorted, narrowing her eyes, "I had to find out from Carlson of all people that you're engaged! You didn't tell me. You're damn fiancé didn't tell me. I had to hear it from JACKSON CARLSON!"

"Listen, I told Matt this morning, and I was planning on telling you-" 

"You didn't even tell me about your cancer until a month ago." 


Without waiting for another answer, Davy threw open her car door and jumped out. She strutted around to the back of the car and threw open the trunk. 

As soon as it was open, her longboard shot out of the backseat and nailed her in the shin. 

Davy let out a scream as she kneeled down and clutched her leg. With a wavering sigh, she stood back up and looked down. 

Much to her disappointment, her longboard hadn't managed to stop immediately after collision. Instead, it was speeding down the driveway and into the street. 

"Why today?" 

With a shout of annoyance, Davy broke into a slow jog and chased after the board.


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