Chapter 26; Stupid Gets You Killed

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Scott held his phone to his ear and raced out of the hotel. He remain on the line until he realized she wasn't going to reply. 

Shaking his head, Scott dialed Matt's number. He waited impatiently for him to answer. 


"Matt!" Scott started, racing through the town, "Where's Davy? She was with Spencer, right?" 

Matt replied, "Yeah, she just left. Why?" 

Scott fought to catch his breath, "She just called me. She wouldn't tell me where she was or what she was doing, but I'm telling you, man, she's in trouble." 

Scott continued running. He found himself sprinting towards Matt's house. 

"Alright, I'm on my way to your place. She has to be between here and there, right?" Scott reasoned. 

Matt agreed with an edge of worry to his voice, "Alright... call me if you see anything." 

Agreeing, Scott hung up. He continued his sprint and was only stopped once at a crosswalk. He slowly his run when he heard the sound of a siren a street away. Quickly changing his course, Scott chased after the sound. 

A minute passed before he saw a firetruck  being tailed by an ambulance. They were racing towards the neighborhood. Scott followed it, his heartrate increasing exponentially. 

Scott soon arrived in the neighborhood. He sprinted past Matt's house and continued down the street towards where the firetruck had disappeared. 

He looked up upon hearing a foreign sound. There was a helicopter slowly ascending a street away from him. 

He jogged around one last corner just in time to find an ambulance pulling away from a crowd of people. Scott quickened his pace until he was standing with the crowd. That was when he recognised Spencer leaning against Matt's car. 

Scott jogged over to her, breathing heavily, "What happened?" 

Spencer looked up at him, tears staining her cheeks, "Matt heard the sirens right after you hung up, so we jumped in the car and drove after them. I don't know what happened, but when we got here, she was passed out in the middle of the street." 

Spencer buried her face in her hands. A minute passed before she regained her composure and wiped the tears away. 

"There was so much blood, Scott," she continued, sniffling, "They had to airlift her to the hospital. Matt got in the helicopter with her." 

Scott rested his hand on her shoulder before responding, "We should drive to the hospital. Can you drive?" 

Spencer nodded slowly. She climbed into the front of Matt's car and pulled away from the crowd as soon as Scott closed his car door. She slowly drove out of the neighborhood, but floored the gas pedal as soon as they were on the highway. 

Scott pulled his phone out of his pocket and held it to his ear as it rang. A woman answered within seconds. 

"Hey, Scott," Teagan answered, "How's Idaho?"

"Listen, Teagan, we're probably gonna be gone longer than we thought." 

"Okay," she responded, clearly not picking up his troubled tone, "If I may ask, why?" 

"Davy's in the hospital." 

His reply was met with silence. She waited for what felt like hours before responding. 


Scott sighed, running his hand through his hair, "Davy's in the hospital. I didn't see what happened, but she was just airlifted to the hospital and we don't really know what's going on." 

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