Chapter 2; Home Sweet Home

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The plane landed a couple hours later. It didn't take long for Daniel to drive Davy back to her Texas home and leave after she got settled back in with popcorn and several movies. 

Sure, it was already around 6am when she got back, but  what better way to celebrate coming back home after touring for more than 6 months than to pass out on the couch in the living room and sleep until noon. 

Of course, her Boston, Myah, was ecstatic the minute she walked through the door. Her assistant, Teagan, had called earlier that morning to confirm that she was indeed coming home. However, she didn't care enough to call Teagan back when she landed. Instead, a long nap was all she cared about. 

She would have slept longer if it weren't for the ringing of the doorbell resonating around her house. Drowsily, she got up from the couch and answered the door without caring to look in the mirror. 

She was surprised to find a tall man standing in her doorway. His hands were embedded in his pockets. Making eye contact, his face broke into a grin. 

Reaching a hand out to shake, the man spoke, "Hi, my name's Scott. I moved into a house down the street a few months ago. I thought this house was abandoned." He questioned. 

Shrugging, Davy shook her head, "No, I just haven't been home in a couple of months..." She led off, thinking. After a second, she shook his hand confidently and smirked, "My name's Davy. It's good to meet you, Scott." 

Still overly cheerful, Scott started walking away from the door, "Well, It's good to meet you, Davy. I'd better get back to my house."

Slowly, Davy forced a smile, but as soon as she tried to talk again, a yawn took over her face. Instead of trying again, she just nodded and waved back at him as she closed the door. She didn't even try to make another effort to go back int othe world until later that evening when another knock on the door disturbed her peace. 

Disgruntled, she stood up from her kitchen table and slammed her laptop shut. 

One again, she answered the door. 

However, this time she was embraced the second the door was far enough open. Struggling for air, Davy tapped out and stared at her attacker. 

Lily Addams stood on her porch, smiling madly. Instantly, Davy relaxed and grinned sincerely.
"Lee!" The girl exclaimed cheerfully, "I know I was supposed to leave you alone until Sunday, but Josh and Mariah aren't here yet and I really wanted to see you again!" 

Davy lead Lily further into the house, chuckling quietly, "Who told you to leave me alone?" She asked sarcastically. 

Lily shrugged, "Mariah said you've been running on espresso and anxiety for the past six months while you guys were on tour so she thought it would be best if we all left you alone until the party. I've been feeding Myah for the past six months and I needed to make sure she was back in your care" 

Sighing, Davy shook her head and sat down on her living room couch, beaconing Lily to follow her lead. 

"Anything new around here?" Lily asked excitedly. 

Shrugging, Davy leaned back in her seat, "Not really. I mean, I do have a new neighbor." She responded. 

Somehow, Lily managed to make even the simplest things excited. As soon as the words left her mouth she started firing questions. 

"What's his name? When did he move in? Is he hot?" 

Davy slapped a hand over her friend's mouth, effectively shushing her. Lily gave her a bored look and rolled her eyes. 

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