Chapter 6; Lucinda Green

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"Get your butt out of bed before I slap you. We've got to be on a plane in an hour." 

Davy opened her eyes, suddenly aware of Mariah's presence. Grunting, she sat up, "Why don't you just throw water at me like a normal person?" 

Rolling her eyes, Mariah grabbed the glass off Davy's nightstand and tipped it over her head. 


Instead of snapping back, Davy only stood up and dragged herself towards the closet. Today was a lazy day of nothing but planes and hotels. This calls for sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. Contacts have no place at five am, so instead Davy just slipped on her glasses. 

Satisfied at her level of comfort, Davy walked back to her nightstand to grab her phone. Five in the morning. Fantastic. 

Sighing, she threw together a bag of clothes and necessities before heading downstairs. She found Lily and Daniel sitting in the living room. They smiled upon her entrance. 

"You look like a corpse," Lily laughed. 

Shrugging, Davy chuckled back, "I think corpse is a bit extreme. Vampire? Maybe. Hobo? Definitely." 

Daniel snatched her duffel bag and walked to the door, "Alright, we should head out. Josh is already on a plane, and it would be best to arrive in New York around the same time he does." 

Lily nodded, following Daniel out to the car, "He'll get lost if we leave him alone for too long." 

Mariah grabbed Davy's hand and pulled her to the car, taking note of her sleep-deprived state, "Alright, we're taking a regular plane because Josh's already on mine. We are traveling first class, but be prepared for fans anyway." 

Narrowing her eyes, Mariah looked Davy up and down. She nodded to herself, grunting. 

"You know, I'll let the 'homeless' look slide today, because it'll probably aid in you not getting noticed. However, you must know that I will slap you the next time you leave the house looking like this." 

Davy glared, stepping into the car and laying her head on the back of her seat, "This is your fault. You're the one that scheduled a six am flight." 

The rest of the car ride remain fairy silent, save the music from the radio. Within the next hour, Davy found herself sitting on the plane, headphones blocking out all sound. 

She pulled her hood over her head and allowing the music to take over every part of her brain until she was barely awake. 

A bit over an hour of their plane ride passed before she was interrupted. She answered the tap on her shoulder by taking off her hood and pausing the music, though she did not remover her headphones. 

She turned around the face Daniel, who was sitting in the seat behind. Upon gaining Davy's attention, he inconspicuously gestured to a woman, most likely in her early twenties, sitting a couple seats away. 

Davy looked to her just as the woman looked away. She turned back to Daniel. 

He smiled, "She keeps looking back. I assume she's a fan." 

Davy smiled lazily, "I'll talk to her when the plane lands." 

Settling back in her seat, Davy pulled out her phone. She opened Instagram curiously and searched her name in the tags. Sure enough, a picture taken of her less than ten minutes before was pictured. 

She read the caption, barely holding back her laughter. 

Is that Lee? AM I ON A PLANE WITH LEE?" 

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