Chapter 25; Who You'd Die For

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"This is a terrible idea," Davy whispered to herself as she scratched her name onto the karaoke sign up sheet. 

Spencer looked up from her phone, chucking, "Please, you'll tear these casuals to shreds. It's a bit too late to start doubting your singing ability." 

Davy shot Spencer a grateful look and set the pen back on top of the clipboard. Together, the two walked out of  the café and back onto the street. 

They soon arrived at their destination, which was just Matt and Spencer's house.

"It's weird being back in this place," Davy commented as Spencer unlocked the door. 

Raising her eyebrows, Spencer shrugged, "Well, I hope you don't mind too much that we live here." 

Shaking her head, Davy walked to the living room. She sat down comfortably on the couch and pulled her phone out of her back pocket. 

"Hey, Spencer, do you mind if I make a quick call?" 

Spencer shook her head and disappeared around the corner, "Got for it." 

Davy laughed under her breath and dialed a number. The woman on the other end picked up after two rings. 


Davy answered quickly, "Hey, Lucinda. I'm planning on scheduling a bunch of shows soon, so I'd like to hire you as soon as possible. I'm In Idaho right now, and I know that's a bit farther from you that Texas, but is there any way I could get you to fly up here this week?" 

"I'm completely free, so as long as you're paying, it doesn't matter where I go," Lucinda answered. 

Davy's grin widened as she went on, "Is  there any possible way I could fly you here tomorrow, or is that too soon?" 

Lucinda sighed, "It'll just be a day or two, right?" 

Davy nodded before realizing Lucinda couldn't see her. She swiftly answered verbally, "You can stay as long or as short as you want. I can always book you another ticket. As for your stay, I'll book you a hotel room, hopefully, near me and Scott." 

"So you guys were in Houston last week, and now you're in Idaho?" Lucinda laughed, "If you don't mind me asking, what the heck are you guys doing?" 

Davy shrugged, laughing in response, "Our friends got married in Houston, I got bored and lonely, so now we're visiting my family." 

Lucinda laughed harder, "You're blunt, aren't you? Well, book me a ticket and I'll be there tomorrow." 

Davy smiled, agreeing, "Alright. I'll text you specifics later." 

Davy hung up the phone, slid it back into her pocket, and sighed as she sunk deeper into the couch. She closed her eyes for about three seconds before she was caught off guard by a faint gagging sound. 

Concerned, Davy jumped off the couch and rushed to the bathroom in the back of the house. She rounded the corner and found the door open. Spencer was sitting on the floor, vomiting into the toilet. 

Davy rushed to Spencer's side and pulled her hair back. Spencer sat back up a second later, breathing heavily. She grabbed a wad of toilet paper and wiped her mouth before throwing it into the toilet and flushing it. 

Seemingly unaffected, Spencer leaned against the wall. Eyes wide, Davy sat in front of her. 

"Are you okay?" Davy asked, unsure what else to say. 

Spencer nodded, laughing as she caught her breath, "I'm fine, Davy. 

"You sure?" Davy asked, still mildly shocked, "'Cause it doesn't seem like it."

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