Chapter 8; The (Mediocre) Escape

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The first show Thursday evening flew by without a problem. Davy quickly walked down the hall backstage towards her dressing room. The second show was fast approaching. 

She rounded a corner, nearly knocking into a young woman. She looked up, steadying the woman in front of her. 

Davy smiled with recognition, "Lucinda Green. If I'd seen you outside I would've let you in myself." 

Lucinda smiled, shrugging, "It's fine. I found my way in, but I think I'm a little lost." 

Davy nodded, looking down at her watch. 


Shrugging, she rested her hand on Lucinda's shoulder and guided her back down the hall away from the dressing rooms. 

They reached the stage a couple minutes later. Davy smiled, beckoning Lily towards her. 

"Lily, this is Lucinda, Lucinda, this is my friend. Lily. You can chill with her backstage, and if you need anything, ask her and she'll find somebody to help you." 

Lily smirked, greeting Lucinda before turning to Davy, "Girl, you're on in five minutes." 

Davy nodded, shoving her anxiety down, "How do I look?" 

"Perfect, beautiful, goddess-like, angelic, and how many more things must I list before you believe me?" 

Davy laughed, jogging to the stage, "Just like always, one more than you've already stated!" 

Without hesitation, Davy breathed deeply before plastering a smirk on her face and forcing her way through the curtains. Arms wide open, she greeted the audience. 

"Alright, alright," she shouted, silencing the audience, "Before we start the show, we have an announcement." 

She plucked her microphone off the stand before strutting to Josh's side. She rested her free hand on his shoulder and looked back out at the audience. 

"Almost three years ago, we started this band with the help of our friend, Lily. And I'm happy to say that Lily and Josh are officially engaged!" 

The crowd erupted into applause. 

Davy continued, "As much as I'd like to, there's no way in Hell I'd be able to get her out here." 

Josh smirked, holding his electric guitar out to Davy, "I can." 

Davy accepted the guitar, her smirk growing into a smile. As soon as she grabbed it from his hands, he jogged off stage. Davy watched, grinning madly as he soon reappeared on stage, Lily in his arms. 

She blushed furiously as she buried her face in Josh's chest. He laughed, walking up to his microphone. 

"This is Lily, who I will now return backstage. She made it very clear that she's doesn't want to be out here." 

The crowd cheered as Josh walked back off stage with Lily, who started laughing through her discomfort. 

Upon his return, Davy handed the guitar back to Josh. She walked back to the middle of the stage and returned her microphone to its stand. 

"Alright, why don't we start the show?" 


The remainder of the show passed without a hiccup. The curtains closed, allowing the band to run off stage. Davy quickly found Lily sitting alone, busying herself on her phone. 

"How was Lucinda?" Davy asked. 

Lily looked up and smiled, "Great. She just left, but if you wanted to find her you probably could." 

Davy shrugged, "I'm sure she's fine." 

Without another word, she disappeared down the hall, speed walking towards her dressing room. 

She disappeared through the door, locking it behind her. Sighing, she turned to the mirror, taking in her reflection. 

Her appearance only differed slightly from when she went on stage hours ago. Still, there were simple inconsistencies one could only notice if they were looking for them. Her eyes were tired, her eyeliner was just barely smudged, and her lipstick had worn off the edges of her lips. 

She dragged open one of the drawers and pulled out a package of makeup wipes. Minutes flew by as she scrubbed every last remnant of 'Lee' from her face. Satisfied with her work, she then traded her leather dress and fishnets for leggings and a hoodie. Today was not a day for the press, she decided. 

Sudden knocks on the door pressured her to work faster as she tied her hair into a lazy French braid and shoved it into the a beanie, effectively hiding one of her major distinctions from society. Last but not least, she threw on her glasses. 

The knocking halted as a man spoke through the door, "Ms. Lee,, we know you're in there, and we were hoping you could answer some questions for us regarding the recent leak of your home address." 

Rolling her eyes, Davy forced herself to let go of every part of her alter ego. She opened the door to face the reporters. 

"Hi, I'm one of Lee's assistants, and I'm here to tell you that she has already left the building, and I can assure you, her home address has not been leaked. In fact, it's my house you've found, so I urge you to stop sending your reporters out there in hopes of catching Lee, since she will not be returning. Not only are you making my life more difficult, but it's also effecting my neighbor, even if he's too nice to admit it." 

Without another word, Davy shoved her way through a dozen reporters before she finally broke free. Her pathetic 'disguises' usually worked in these situations. For as long as she'd been performing as Lee, Davy had been using a slightly altered voice in the presence of her fans and the press. It was nothing dramatic. Only peppier and more exaggerated. 

Without her stage voice and makeup, Davy was just Davy, which made escaping unwanted interviews a million times easier. 

As confident as she way in her disguise, Davy still searched for Daniel as quick as possible. Shortly after her escape, she located him near the back entrance of the venue. 

Relieved, she sighed. Daniel looked up from the floor, grinning at the sight of her. 

"I thought you'd never make it out."

Davy shrugged, following him through the doors towards Mariah, who was sitting peacefully in her rented car. 

Daniel knocked on the window, alerting Mariah to their presence. She looked up from her phone and removed her legs from the dashboard before unlocking the doors. 

Davy allowed Daniel to climb into the driver's seat as she took her place in the back. The trio was soon joined by the Lily and Josh, who seemed just as drained as the rest of them. 

As soon as everybody was comfortable, Daniel sped away from the venue towards their hotel. Soon, the five of them laid lazily across Davy's bed, exhaustion taking over. Mariah laid at the end, her head dangling off the edge. Davy had thrown her legs across Daniel, who couldn't have cared less. Lily comfortably rested in Josh's arms as they leaned against the headboard. 

They laid silent for less than ten minutes before they began to drift off once by one, Daniel being the last to fall asleep. However, he didn't manage to drift off before snapping a picture of the sleeping band. 

He posted it, the caption simply stating, "Look what you've done to them." 

Laughing quietly to himself, Daniel tossed his phone to the side before allowing himself to fall asleep. 


Yeah, I know this one's short. I promise you longer chapters in the future! I just had a hard time writing this one, so I cut it short and moved on. 

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