Chapter 32; A Change Of Plans

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"So... there may be a slight change of plans regarding your show next week." 

Davy pinched the bridge of her phone as she sighing in the phone, "What kind of change, Teagan?" 

"Well," her assistant explained, "Dottie kind of canceled the second half of her tour last night, so there's no Boise show anymore. Don't worry, though. As soon as she canceled, she called me, and I stole the venue from her. If you can get together a set, find Mariah, and convince Josh to come along, you've got yourself a show." 

Davy threw up her free hand dramatically, laughing, "You're gonna need to tell me more than that. I need to know what I'm doing next week!" 

She could almost feel Teagan rolling her eyes through the call, "You're putting on a show. You've got two hours to kill next Friday night. You can do whatever the Hell you want. Really, we're just filling in for Dottie since she canceled so suddenly.  Call Josh, call Mariah, and plan something. If you need any help, I'm here, alright?" 

Davy nodded, catching her breath, "You need a raise." 

Teagan laughed, "Just give me your damn house since you don't use it anymore." 

Davy shrugged, laughing along, "Honestly, sure. I have no problem with you living in my house." 

"Good, because I've pretty much already been living in it for the past month." 

Davy frowned at Teagan's tone. She furrowed her eyebrows and asked, "What's up with your apartment?" 

Teagan sighed, "I got... evicted a couple weeks ago. It's really no big deal, I'll find a cheaper place. I just figured since it's empty and I already feed your dog, I could stay in your place for a little bit. If you don't want me here, I could find somewhere else-" 

"Nonsense, just take the house!" Davy yelled over Teagan's rambling, "I'm not using it, and you obviously need it!" 

Teagan sighed, calming down, "Thanks, I was worried for a second." 

"Actually," Davy continued, "There's something I should probably talk to you about. I was thinking I might actually move back to Idaho... permanently. I don't want to sell the Texas house, though, so this kind of works out perfectly." 

Teagan hummed, "Sounds good to me. You do you, as long as you're payin' me... or, you know, letting me live in your house." 

Davy smiled, "Alright, well, I don't really have any more work for you at the moment. You deserve a little vacation time, so how about you chill out for the next couple weeks. If you get bored, I wouldn't be opposed to the idea of you doing some house hunting for me." 

They said their goodbyes and Davy ended the call. She immediately moved on the planning for the concert. 

She had nothing new to debut, so she settled for setting up a set full of old songs and their favorite covers. However, she drew a blank when it came to actually putting the set together. 

After more than an hour of procrastination, she decided to call in some help. 

Davy set up her laptop and called Josh. His face soon appeared on the screen. 

He smiled, "Hey! Your hair's different!" 

She laughed, "Hello to you, too." 

Shrugging, Josh looked away from her hair and asked, "What's up? You must be truly desperate to be calling me instead of Lily." 

Davy rolled her eyes, "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about the show next week. Dottie canceled, but Teagan booked the gig for us anyway, so it's just gonna be us for two hours. She said, and I quote we can do 'whatever the Hell we want.'"

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