Chapter 13; Passing Time

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The next couple months passed in a blur of frantic wedding planning. Josh and Lily both moved into Davy's guest rooms around a month after it was discussed. Rather than Josh moving into Lily's house as originally planned, they decided it would be better to just sell her house as quickly as possible. 

Mariah, on the other hand, was frantically searching for a place in Texas to call her own. While Josh and Lily had settled on having a house built just outside of town, Mariah tried her hardest to find a location where she would be surrounded by people. 

This was hard to find in a relatively small town. That was why Davy picked it in the first place. 

That how Davy found herself sitting on the floor of her living room surrounded by brochures and articles Mariah had printed out for her to look through. 

Overwhelmed, Davy laid her head on the carpet and stared up at the ceiling. Minutes passed before Mariah reentered the room. 

"Hey, I've got three more houses- are you dead?" 

Davy laughed as she closed her eyes, "No, just tired..." 

She sat up to face Mariah, who still stood in the doorframe, concerned. Davy sighed, dramatically shoving the papers away. 

"If it's this hard to find a place you'll like here, why are you moving?" Davy asked. 

Mariah shrugged, "It's hard to feel at home in a place with no friends or family. I'm moving here to be close to you and Josh." 

Raising her eyebrows, Davy stood up from the floor and walked to the window, "Why don't you just build a house right here? I know you'd rather be near people, but if you just want to be close to the band, I have no problem helping you get land out here. It's just me and Scott now, so we could use another neighbor." 

Mariah slowly shook her head, "Maybe eventually, but I was actually gonna talk to you about maybe moving back in with my dad." 

Davy raised her eyebrows, "He lives in Montana, right?" 

Mariah nodded, relaxing, "Yeah... he's not doing to well right now, so I was thinking I'd move back to help him with things around the house." 

"What happened?" 

Mariah shrugged, waving it off, "He just lonely. Really, it's nothing serious. I just wanted to move back so I could help him with household chores and such. He's been living by himself since I graduated high school." 

Davy grinned crossing the room to hug her friend, "Sounds great. You don't need an excuse if you want to be closer to your dad. We understand." 

Mariah hugged her back, returning her grin, "Cool. I figured I'd move after the wedding. Besides, we're gonna be in L.A. anyway, so we might as well have a place to stay. There's no sense in me moving out immediately." 

Davy narrowed her eyes as she crossed her arms across her chest, "Why exactly are we going to California? Did you schedule something and not tell me again?" 

Mariah scoffed, shaking her head, "No, you hypocrite. We're taking Lily wedding dress  shopping on Sunday. The wedding's sneaking up on us, you know. We've only got three months left." 

Eyes wide, Davy stepped back, "Three months!" 

Mariah nodded, concern somewhat present on her face, "Yeah... Josh proposed three months ago, and they set the date for six months out. Are you missing something?" 

Clearing her head, Davy walked away, "No, I just didn't realize that much time had passed. For some reason my brain wanted to think it was still six months away." 

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