Chapter 24; The Disappointment

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Davy knocked on Scott's hotel room door before looking to Matt, who was standing beside her. She narrowed her eyes and pointed her finger in an accusing manner. 

"Scott's pretty much the human equivalent of a golden retriever, so try not to intimidate him too much. He's too nice to object." 

Matt raised his hands in surrender and turned to the door. Davy knocked once more, slightly harder. A voice rang out from behind. 

"It's open!" 

Davy shrugged and opened the door. She cautiously walked into the room and looked around. Sure enough, Scott was standing by the window, his phone pressed to his ear. Upon seeing Davy, his eyes lit up. 

"Alright, Lucy, Davy's back. I'll talk to you later," he agreed, ending the conversation. 

Scott quickly hung up his phone and jogged forward to hug his girlfriend. He pulled away seconds later, a familiar grin on his face. 

"I didn't think you were going to be back this soon. How did it go?" 

Davy shrugged, "It was alright. Was that Lucinda?" 

Scott nodded, placing his phone in his back pocket, "Yeah. She was asking when it would be a good time to fly down to Texas and get an interview. She was hoping I could ask you to call her when you get the chance." 

Davy nodded in agreement and turned back to the door, "Well, Scott, there's somebody I'd like you to meet." 

Matt slowly walked into the room, hands resting in his pockets. He smiled warmly. 

Scott raised his eyebrows, "Oh, you must be Matt. I'm Scott." 

He reached his hand forward. Matt grinned and accepted the handshake, "I am. Davy said you're her boyfriend?" 

Scott nodded, briefly turning his gaze to Davy, "That I am. I hope that's alright with you, sir." 

Matt laughed quietly in the least condescending way possible, "Please, just call me Matt. I'm probably, what, three or four years older than you? Besides, Davy doesn't need my permission to date." 

Scott shrugged, resting his arm around Davy's shoulders, "I'd just like to make a good impression. Davy seems to value your opinion, so I should too." 

Matt pointed his finger at Scott's chest and smirked, "I like you... Don't mess that up." 

Scott laughed with him, "I'll try my hardest."


The three of them found a comfortable booth in a small café near  the neighborhood. Their drinks arrived soon after they ordered and Matt continued their conversation. 

"So, Scott, how did you meet my sister?" 

"Well, I moved in next door to her almost a year ago, and we met when she got back from a tour. There's really not much else to it." 

Matt accepted his answer before changing the subject, "So, Davy, what's it like being famous?" 

Rolling her eyes, Davy answered his question, "I'm still a person, you know? Ninety percent of the time, I'm either watching TV or chilling on my phone." 

Scott chuckled, "That's not completely true. Almost every  time I visit, you're in the middle of writing." 

"Writing and staring at a blank notebook for two hours because I don't have any braincells left are two different thing," Davy argued, sipping on her smoothie. 

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