Chapter 10; The Good Old Days

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The band scoured their hotel rooms for anything they would have possibly forgotten to pack. 

Davy sat on top her luggage in the hallway, lost in her thoughts. It wasn't until she felt a hand on her shoulder that she returned to reality. She looked up to find Josh standing beside her. 

He frowned, concern etched on his face, "Are you okay? You've been pretty out of it since  this morning." 

She shrugged, standing up, "I don't know. I guess I'm just a bit worried about how Scott's going to react when I get back home." 

Josh waved off her statement, "Don't be. He seems like a nice kid, and besides, he didn't know who you were before, and you two still became friends."

Davy nodded, collecting her thoughts. Josh smirked, throwing his arm around her shoulders. 

"Besides, if he does anything to you, I will send Mariah after him. There's nothing scarier than an angry drummer, other than possibly my Hispanic mother." 

Laughing, Davy recalled every memory she could relating to Josh's mother.  Davy's first impression of the woman was her beating a reporter with a sandal while picking them up from the airport. From that day forward, Davy had nothing but the highest respect for Nicole Evans. 

Over the past couple years, Davy had attended several barbeques at the Evans' house to celebrate the band's achievements. Every time one of their songs made it to the top of the charts, or they returned from a successful tour, Nicole would host some sort of party. 

Of all her friends families, Josh's was the most inviting. Mariah avoided all topics regarding her family the same way Davy did. She'd been a relatively open person since for as long as Davy had known her, but they quickly learned not to ask about her family. Davy knew she came from Montana, but that's about it. 

Lily, on the other hand, would pretty much answer any question asked. She keeps in contact with her parents and sister, but mostly chooses to keep their interactions virtual. 

Daniel seemed to be the only one of them with a functional family. While he was fairly reserved when it came to questions about himself, he would shamelessly brag about his wife and niece, who been under their care for the past couple years. Though they'd only met in person once, Davy was very fond of Daniel's wife, Brooklyn. 

The only words she could find to accurately describe the woman were spitfire and absolute queen. From what Davy had heard from Daniel his niece was fairly similar personality wise. 

Davy's thoughts quickly wandered back to that of her own family. Her heart ached as she recalled the best memories of her siblings, focusing mainly on Matthew.  

It had been almost three years since she lost contact, and longer since she's seen him in person. She felt a pang in her chest as she allowed her thoughts to wander. What was he like nowadays? Is he married? Did he have kids?

Davy had desperately wanted to reconnect with her brother for years, but she was always stopped by a single thought that continuously crossed her mind. 

Matthew's forgotten about me by now, she reasoned, and if he hasn't, it's because he resents me. 

She suddenly shook her head, attempting to pull herself back to the good memories. That was one of the many reasons she hated talking about her family. Any time she'd relive her childhood, her mind  would inevitably wander to a darker place. 

She looked back up to find Josh still starting down at her, concern etched on his face. 

"Seriously, are you sure you're okay?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. 

Head Full Of Doubt, Heart Full Of Rock And Roll (Original)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum