Chapter 12; Goodbye

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"Did she seriously fall asleep?" 

"I'm going to give her so much crap about this." 

"I think it's cute." 

Groaning, Davy forced herself to open her eyes. She looked up to find her bandmates and Lily leaning over her. Confused, she looked down and realized her head was resting on somebody's shoulder. She looked left to find that the somebody was in fact Scott Jacobs. 

Groaning again, she sat up, "I'm sorry, did I really fall asleep on you?" 

A very awake Scott laughed, standing up from the couch, "It didn't bother me." 

Smirking, Lily teased, "You know, we figured we'd pick you up so you could go get some sleep, but I guess we could just leave you here." 

Rolling her eyes, Davy stood up from the couch. She stretched, whacking Lily in the process. 

"You're not going to stop bugging me about this, are you?" she asked, picking her phone up off the coffee table. 

Lily shook her head, "Nope. Seriously, though. you're free to return home if you want to." 

Davy nodded leading her friends back out of the house. Scott followed them to the door before wishing them a goodnight. As soon as he closed the door, Mariah addressed Davy. 

"I don't care if you're still in denial, but that man is practically in love with you." 

Shaking her head, Davy sat in the back of her car, "I'm too tired to deal with you right now, so can you just drive me home?" 

Rolling her eyes, Mariah climbed into the front seat. She chose to halt her teasing for the rest of the night, but the minute morning rolled around, they were going to give her Hell. 

And they did. 

Sure enough, the minute Davy left her bedroom the following morning, she was attacked by the girls. All of them. 

Davy walked into the kitchen and was quickly greeted by Teagan, who was stocking the fridge. 

"Good morning Ms. Lee. How did you sleep?" she asked, smirking, "Probably not as well as when you were sleeping on your neighbor." 

Davy pulled herself onto the counter. She grunted, "They told you. Great. Oh, Also, Lee's not my real name. It's Davy." 

Teagan only took this as a sign to continue, "Whatever. I don't care as long as you keep paying me. So, when's your wedding?" 

"I don't know what you're talking about." 

No good friend accept this answer without further questioning. Teagan liked to believe that she was one of Davy's friends. 

That being said, she continued her interrogation, "First I catch you on a date with him, and now I'm told you fell asleep at his house while watching a movie. Please tell me you understand my point." 

Her point was clear as crystal, but Davy wasn't about to admit that out loud. Before she was able to deny everything, Mariah and Lily barged into the kitchen behind them. 

"She's alive!" Mariah shouted, throwing her hands up in mock surprise, "I thought you'd die of a broken heart after we dragged you away from your boy-toy." 

Davy hopped off the counter and walked to the living room, yelling back  at them, "You guys do understand how crazy you sound, right?" 

Mariah and Lily followed close behind, cackling. 

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