Chapter 14; Unwanted Visitors

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Before she was able to think twice, Davy slammed the door in their faces. She locked it once again and slid down the wall. 

Burying her face in her hands, she yelled up at stairs, "LILY! WHERE ARE WE ON THAT SECURITY FENCE?" 

Somehow, by the grace of God and Heaven above, Lily heard her. In less than ten seconds, Lily was standing in front of her, helping Davy to her feet. 

"We should have people here to work on it in a day or two. What's up?" 

Drained and annoyed, Davy grunted, "There's about thirty people on my porch." 

Without a word or explanation, Lily walked up to the door. Just before she opened it back up, she turned to Davy and smiled. 

"Leave through the back and book it to Scott's place. I got this." 

Davy nodded, tiredness taking over. Without a complaint, she slowly jogged out onto her back porch and slipped on a pair of tennis shoes. Wasting no time, she walked through her back gate and began the three block walk to her one and only neighbor's house. 

Somewhat concerned, she caught a glimpse of the front of her house. Sure enough, Lily was standing on the porch in front of the paparazzi like some kind of pastor. She demanded attention, and it was awarded to her. 

There she stood, arms crossed and a scowl etched on her face. She held her stance as the reporters continued their relentless questioning. 

Smirking, Davy raced to Scott's house. As she approached the door, and overwhelming sense of pride for her friend swept through her. 

The first time Lily volunteered to handle the reporters, Davy found herself scared for her safety. At this point in their friendship, it was such a common occurrence that when Lily announced she was going to handle the media, the only words that escaped them were 'go nuts.' 

Laughing to herself, Davy knocked on Scott's door. It was just far away from her house to not be seen unless one of the reporters was focusing intensely on Scott's porch. Not only was she fairly far away, Davy had pulled her hood over her head to block her face. 

Davy's smile faded when a minute passed without the door being answered. She almost rang the doorbell again, but was stopped when she recognised two voices from inside the house. Sure enough, upon further investigation, Davy spotted an unknown car parked by the road behind her. 

"... is there any way she's at your door right now?" 

Scott's voice rang over that of the reporter. His level of annoyance was obviously high. 

"No. In fact, if Lee was even going to come over here, she would use the back door." 

Davy held in her laughter as she heeded his warning and hopped the fence separating Scott's backyard from the outside world. 

Just as she disappeared behind the fence, the front door opened to reveal a somewhat angry Scott urging a relentless reporter out of his house. Davy watched, smirking, from a crack in the fence. As soon as the reporter got into the car, Davy shuffled around to the sliding glass door. 

She smiled, cackling as Scott jogged up to the door. His anger faded as soon as he realized Davy was in fact standing outside. Scott smiled, shaking his head, as he unlocked the glass door. 

"You almost gave me a panic attack when you rang the doorbell," he accused as he opened the door. 

Davy walked into the house without hesitation, still laughing, "You should have seen the look on your face when you walked outside! I didn't know you could get so pissed off!" 

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