Have I Transmigrated?

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Lin Fang Jun woke up to the sound of someone's wailing.

'What the heck! Can't you keep your kid in check? ughhh!!! Why does my head hurt so much?', he couldn't help but think.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw a room that was not his. There was a window with silk red curtains from where the sunlight was seeping in.

The room was neither too big nor too small. There was a desk, a round table with two chairs, a divan which looked quite comfy, a closet, a huge mirror and other basic stuff.

'Where in hell ami I? But that's not important right now. The important thing is where is the wailing of a baby coming from? It's so loud ah!! Where does a kid get so much lung power?', he thought.

His head was killing him but still he got up. He looked around and saw that at the corner of the room there was a baby cot and the sound is coming from there.
'What the actual hell!!! Why's there a child here?! Whose kid is this?!! So irresponsible!!!'

He got up from the hard bed, with his hand on his head. He couldn't even think straight. Everything felt fuzzy. It was like he had studied for 8 hours straight and his head felt full.

He got out of the bed and walked towards the baby cot. On his way he looked at the mirror.

'WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! Who is this?' He waved his hand and the reflection imitated him. It was confirmed that it was his reflection.

The reflection looked really delicate with a small build and thin waist. The  body in the mirror looked really skinny with very fair complexion.

He touched his face. It was really soft and tender, without any blemish. It was a face that was overly beautiful.

Light pink plump lips, straight small nose, straight and sharp eyebrows that made people think that he is very scholarly and the phoenix eyes which could hook one's soul.

The irises had purple color which is obviously rare. He looked at the reflection, amazed by the beauty. Did he get in a women's body? But this woman is pretty tall, maybe 5ft 8". She is so pretty but the chest looks way too flat.

He looked at the silk white nightgown,pulled it up and looked inside. His little brother is still there.
'Thank goodness ', he sighed. Then he looked at the reflection again. There seems to be some resemblance to a man. Maybe the wailing kid is this bodies previous owner's. I would like to see his wife.

Then the irresponsible man remembered the kid that was still crying.

He went to the cot and looked at the kid. The baby is really cute ba! It looks so fleshy, white and cute. Maybe six months old.

Well he had a cousin who's six months old and looks kinda the same size. It's so small.

The baby stopped crying after seeing him. 'Hmm..is it a boy or a girl?' He looked inside the babies pants and a cloth that looked like nappy.

This kid has a cute little penis. 'Ah it's a boy. Why did I think that this kid has a cute dick?!!!'

The boy extended his little cute hand towards Lin Fang Jun.

"Do you want me to hold you?",he asked. He tried to lift up the baby. He was clumsy at first but somehow managed to hold the baby so that the baby was comfortable.

The baby looked at him with his big purple watery eyes. His heart thumped.

"Oh my god, so cute". He always thought that one day he'd graduate, get a job, marry a wife and then have kids.

'Change of plans, I guess if this kid is mine.' The baby's head was resting on his chest.

Suddenly the baby started sucking on his right nipple even with Lin FangJuns clotheson.

He was startled and almost dropped the baby but at last moment he balanced himself. "Is this kid crazy!!",he screamed.

At that time,the door of the room opened and someone entered.

(Did you guys know that males actually can lactate. It has happened to many men and they even fed their kids. But usually it happens because of liver disease and it's called galactorrhea.)

Edited: 14-01-2020

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