World History

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The book started with the formation of everything. After reading the first paragraph, Lin Fang Jun feared that it was a religious book. Lin Fang Jun was never a fan of any kind of religion. You can say he was kind of an atheist.

Still Lin Fang Jun carried on. The book goes on like this:

"At the beginning everything was vast, cold and desolate. Everything was shrouded in darkness. Infinite amount of space was devoid of time and any kind of matter.

However,the darkness gradually condensed. Slowly it condensed and gave birth to the 'Creator'. He was as cold and devoid of emotions as darkness. But he was also just as lonely.

He didn't want to be alone anymore. So he thought of creating a being. It had five legs and six hands.

But the 'Creator' didn't feel attached to it. It neither talked nor kept him company. So he wanted to destroy it. So he created the 'Destroyer'.

The 'Creator' kept creating and then ordering the 'Destroyer' to destroy the things he didn't like. He wanted to make something perfect.

Finally he was able to create a creation that was worthy of accompanying him. The first of God race. A handsome humanoid male. He was named the god of family.

He accompanied the 'Creator' for a long time. But afterall the 'Creator' was void of emotions.

The God of family wanted someone of his own race to accompany him.

He pleaded for a mate and after considering the pros and cons the 'Creator' granted him one. A beautiful lady who was named the godess of wisdom.

Very soon the God and goddess fell in love with each other and copulated. The 'Creator' had given them the instinct along with the power of regeneration. The god and goddess didn't know the deeper meaning behind the 'Creator's gift.

The family of gods became bigger and bigger. The all powerful 'Creator' gifted each of them a distinct power. But the power of creation was never granted to anyone.

As time passed the darkness and coldness became lesser and lesser. As the creature of dark, the 'Creator' decided go away from the gods and observe them from afar.

After the Creator went away with destroyer,the gods couldn't use their powers anymore. Even the god of family and goddess of wisdom stooped reproducing. So the number of gods never increased again.

The gods asked the god of family to talk about it to the 'Creator', as he was the only one who had the power to communicate with him. They requested to tell the 'Creator' to do something about it. The gods didn't want to be powerless.

After hearing their request he gave them their powers back and created humans.He also created earth for the humans to live in.

Humans were utterly helpless and powerless without the help of the gods. The gods found a purpose for their life. But the Creator decided that after a certain amount of time the destroyer would destroy a human and the Creator would again create new humans. It was so that the Gods won't get attached.

That's how it was going for a very very long time. The humans knew the existence of gods and would praise them and ask for things. The gods would grant them if they felt satisfied by the human. Gods were selfish creatures.

One day the god of beauty wanted to make the most beautiful human. So he took the next human that was created. He gave that human all the beauty he was able to give.

The human was named Rong Xu. He grew up to be admired by all for his beauty. But he was also arrogant. He would only accept someone who was more beautiful than him as his partner. But there was none in the human world.

On the other hand,the god of beauty had seen Rong Xu grow up. He fell in love with this enchanting beauty that he has created. He decided that he would go and confess his love to Rong Xu.

But it was forbidden to fall in love with a human.

God of beauty still went to earth and confessed his love. As the god of beauty,he was more beautiful than Rong Xu. Rong Xu fell in love with the god of beauty in an instant. As there was no god of love, loving was your own instinct.

So nobody knew of their rendezvous for a very long time . They were deeply in love with each other, but after a while the god of beauty confessed to Rong Xu of him being a god and that they can't be together always.

Rong Xu has already given his everything to the god of beauty. He wanted to tie the god to himself. The best way to do this was to bear a child. But he was a man.

So he started praying to the god of family.

The god of family was moved by Rong Xu's devotion. He granted Rong Xu's wish. But not to create chaos he gave this power not only to Rong Xu but also to some mentally strong and exceptionally beautiful males. It was the power to give birth.

However Rong Xu still didn't know about it. He and the god of beauty were still enjoying their time together.
(A.N:By this I mean they were fucking like crazy;) )

In the heavens the gods finally noticed the disappearance of the god of beauty.

After they investigated and they found out that the god of beauty was having a relationship with a mere mortal.

The gods were furious and they wanted justice.But The godess of wisdom suggested not to destroy the god of beauty. Rather he was stripped of his godhood and was sent to the mortal realm to be with his beloved, as she had suggested.

The god of beauty was grateful for this though. He wanted to be with his beloved.

The power of beauty now belonged to none. But it was important power so the power was granted to the god of family. But he really didn't care about it,so the beauty of humans gradually declined.

So, the beautiful males who could give birth aka gers were highly valued among humans. Rong Xu was also a ger.

After the god of beauty reunited with Rong Xu, he learned that Rong Xu was already pregnant for four months. The child was half god and half human. It became a headache for gods. But as their brother,the ex-god of beauty pleaded to the gods to spare his son's life, they decided not to destroy the demigod.

The child was very strong but didn't have any distinct power to match with the gods,so the gods felt at ease. .Still the child was the most powerful among the humans.

The earth which contained six continents, hailed him as the supreme ruler. All the kings would bow down to him and obey him.

But he only lived for 40 years. After his death his most handsome and capable child would inherit his powers and half godhood. So there was always a supreme leader for the humans.

This has been the norm for centuries and was still ongoing.

The current supreme leader was Rong Huan. He was as majestic and bright as his name suggests.

He has a harem full of many beauties. He is also skillful in managing the Kings. He is admired by all."

(I know it's a bit long but I couldn't stop myself from writing lol. Enjoy~~~(≧∇≦))

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