He Peed On Me

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After Lin Fang Jun entered the pavilion with Lin Bi Ming, he saw a dainty women. She had the aura of immature and adorable little girl. When she spotted him, she smiled. Her smile was like blooming flowers, with a hint of mischievousness. It made people want to pamper her.

'No wonder she's one of the favored concubines.', he snorted inside,'If I didn't have the original's memories, I might've been enchanted by her.'

She's looked innocent and beautiful, but don't judge a book by its cover. She was malicious inside. She would get whatever she wanted, no matter what the cost. Well if you ain't ruthless, you won't survive here.

Lin Fang Jun would have liked this woman, if she wasn't original's enemy. She had tried to kill the original many times. Yet here she is, sitting here and smiling at him. 'Really what a bitch'.

"Chenqi greets sister. How are you feeling now? I heard you were unconscious for some time.", she asked with concern. If someone didn't know the real her, they would think she was genuinely concerned about Lin Fang Jun.
(Chenqi:it's how concubines address themselves. It's usually used when talking to someone higher in hierarchy.)

"I'm feeling fine now. It's just the fatigue of taking care of a child that might've caused it.", Lin Fang Jun replied, he could also play the clueless good guy card.

"I brought hundred years old ginseng for you. It'll help you supplement your body." A servant brought a box and passed it to Lin Fang Jun's servant.

"Many thanks to sister for your gift. I'll be sure to take it.",Lin Fang Jun replied smilingly. 'What? Are you going to gift me poison now and expect me to eat it?Are you stupid, woman?', he thought, amused.

Lin Bi Ming was observing the interaction silently. He wasn't a fussy child. But his mother was ignoring him. He tried to form words to grab his mother's attention, but they just sounded incoherent.

Both Lin Fang Jun and Lady Chen' attention went to the bundle in Lin Fang Jun's arms. The weather was slightly chilly. The spring breeze was carrying countless hidden words.

Lin Bi Ming was wearing thick clothes. The dark green clothes accentuated his fair complexion. His chubby body and big doe like eyes, did nothing but made him more adorable.

Lady Chen smiled at Lin Bi Ming. Her smile had undetectable amount of malice. She had been trying to conceive a child. But the god genes weren't made to survive in a human body. Many concubines had children, but they died within one year.

So, Lin Bi Ming was only healthy child in this palace right now. But that didn't make him the heir, that was the only reassurance for these concubines.

"Your child is adorable. Little young master would grow up to be really handsome and heroic.", this time,the contempt in her voice was clearer.

Lin Fang Jun humphed inside. 'My baby is the best. What would you know!', he thought inside, but outside he just smiled a really sweet smile.

The servants around were entranced by his beauty.

Lady Chen spoke,"Sister Lin,would you mind if I hold young master a little?"

"Of course not.",he said, 'I'm right here,what can you do to my baby?!'.

He gently passed Bi Ming to Lady Chen. Lady Chen was not used to holding a child. So, Bi Ming wasn't comfortable. He just wanted his mother.

He wiggled in her bosom. She felt shaky but still held him tightly. If Bi Ming had even a scratch, which she caused, she would be heavily punished.

She called, "Young master, I'm also your mother, you like me right?"

Bi Ming pouted and made a disgusted face. He didn't like this woman's heavy perfume. Lady Chen was angry after seeing Bi Ming's reaction.

She was beautiful, everyone loved and respected her. She slightly pinched Bi Ming's cheeks. His cheeks were really supple.

Bi Ming frowned. He definitely didn't like this woman. He looked at his mother. Lin Fang Jun smiled at him, he also smiled back after seeing his mother smile.

This made Lady Chen more angry. Still she persisted. Suddenly she felt something hot and warm in her clothes.

"This child peed on me!!!", she screamed and almost dropped Bi Ming.

Lin Fang Jun quickly grabbed Bi Ming and saved him from falling. "He's just a child. They do that. That doesn't mean you will drop him.",Lin Fang Jun roared.

Lady Chen's complexion became really ugly. She accidentally let her true nature come out. She looked at parent and child with extreme maliciousness, like if she could, she would kill them.

Looking at her funny face, Bi Ming giggled loudly. And that did it for her.

"I didn't know Sister Lin couldn't even afford baby diaper. If you want I can send you monthly allowance. His majesty sends me gifts every now and then.", Lady Chen snarled.

"Because of not wanting to keep you waiting,we hurried to come here. Maybe the maid forgot in a hurry. I didn't know the virtuous and kind sister Chen didn't know how to identify goodwill. And money? His majesty has a offspring here. His offspring is way more worth than a concubine, don't you think so?", Lin Fang Jun smilingly ridiculed.

Her face became more red and unsightly. Bi Ming giggled again and even more loudly. Understanding the situation, a servant of Lady Chen came forward.

"My lady is not feeling well. Please excuse us Lady Lin.", the servant politely said.

"You're excused."

The servants escorted Lady Chen out of the pavilion.

"Someone come and change young masters wet clothes or he'll catch a cold.", Lin Fang Jun ordered.

He was feeling proud of his little bun. Bi Ming sure knew whom to welcome and whom not to.

Edited : 24-01-2020

Life With A Little Bun And A Big Bad WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora