Someone Else's Memory part 1

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Lin Fang Jun's headache was becoming worse and worse. He got out of the bed to have a bath. He thought maybe the bath could help ease his headache.

The house Lin FangJun was in ,is a courtyard style house. In front of this house there was a huge space. Two maids were standing in front of the door. Now that he looked clearly, this house must have belonged to a rich person with luxurious taste.

He got out of the house and started heading in a direction.

The maids started following him. He was kinda pissed. 'Can't they lead the way. I just transmigrated, how would Laozi1 know where the bathroom is. Wait, do they even have a bathroom?', he pondered.

1laozi: this father

Well he didn't have a choice so he took a stroll around. The courtyard was really huge. There was a pavilion under a cherry blossom tree. As it was summer, it wasn't looking as striking as in winter. But one could imagine how magnificent it would look after the tree blooms.

He walked around for a while and somehow managed to arrive at the backyard. There was a small hotspring in there. Steam was coming out of the spring. Two maids were standing there with towel and clothes.

He guessed this is where he was supposed to take a bath. So he hurriedly approached the spring. One of the maids came from behind and helped him take off his clothes.

He let himself sink in the water. It just had the right temperature. His body felt light. His headache was also alleviated. He slowly closed his eyes. His long eyelashes fluttered like butterflies wings.

Suddenly he jerked awake. 'What in the hell was that!', he internally screamed. The maids noticed his weird behavior. They worryingly asked, "Master are you alright?". Lin Fang Jun replied in an instant,"Yes I am. No need to be concerned."

He had visions.

A really handsome man's face, a beautiful lady smiling cruelly, the pain of childbirth. He felt them all at once. It's like it's happening in front of his eyes.

But the most shocking scene was someone's death. He saw a burly man with a huge scar on his biceps, pinning him down. That man was laughing hysterically.

It was like looking with his own eyes. The visions were just too vivid. They didn't look like visions. They were like real situations.

In that vision, he saw another person bringing a cup. A putrid stench was coming from that cup. The burly man forcefully made him drink it. Then the man slapped him hard and said, "Now where is your arrogance huh? You're just a whore, so stay in your position." Then he was slapped again.

Everything played out like it was happening to him in real life. Lin Fang Jun gasped. The excruciating pain of taking the poison was unimaginable.

Lin Fang Jun opened his eyes and woke up from the nightmare. He was gasping for breath incessantly and sweating profusely . His headache was still there but a lot milder. But his heart was beating like crazy. His throat also hurt. His stomach was churning and he felt sick.

"Lady Lin, Lady Lin are you alright?", a rather concerned voice came. Lin Fang Jun shakily stood. A towel was immediately wrapped around him. He didn't care though. He had taken a lot of public baths in his world.

"Call the heavenly physician. Lady Lin seems sick.", the maid ordered others. Lin Fang Jun was helped to wear a light blue robe. The maids escorted him to the inner chambers. Even in his hazy state of mind Lin Fang Jun didn't forget to memorize the shortcut.

He entered his room and laid down. He felt a lot better now. But the memories were rather disturbing.'Was it the original's memories?', he wondered.

He didn't dare to close his eyes in fear of encountering something similar. Though he obtained some valuable information, but it still wasn't worth the pain.

He got out of bed after some time. Well it's not his fault that they didn't have clocks. So he had to guess what time it was.

He noticed some books on the table. He walked to that table and rummaged through the books.

The characters looked unfamiliar but he somehow managed to understand it. He didn't feel a difference when talking but now that he thought about it, it was not the usual Chinese language.

There were lots of different kind of books. They were war strategies, poems, novels and even a child care book. While rummaging he stumbled upon a book called "World History". Lin Fang Jun decided to take a look at it.

Lin Bi Ming was sleeping in his cot. Lin FangJun sat on the chair and started reading the book. Maybe he could get some idea about this world he was residing in right now.

(If I have a headache,I'd never get out of bed. Just let me die with my headache but I'm not LEAVING THE BED. Sorry if there's any mistake. Thanks for reading my story *:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*~)

Edited : 16-01-2020

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