Someone Else's Memory part 2

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Lin Fang Jun was pretty unsettled after reading it. This book looked normal but who would've thought that it would be an occult's book.

He decided not to give this godforsaken book any thought. He has bigger problems to worry about afterall.

Little bun was crying and he wanted food. Lin Fang Jun didn't see any bottle to feed the kid with. ( this man is still clueless after all that drama)

He picked Bi Ming from the cot. The bosom of his mother(father?) calmed Bi Ming.

Bi Ming's inner thought was, 'yes,yes hold me,hold me. Why didn't you hold me sooner. If you don't hold me next time I'll cry harder.asdfghh (incoherent baby thoughts )'

Bi Ming gave Lin Fang Jun a big toothless grin. His watery eyes shined brightly. It was obvious that he was very happy to be in his parent's hold.

Lin Fang Jun was dazed. 'My baby is the CUTEST of them all. If you have courage come compare with mine. Got scared? Coward.' He got out of his inner world when Bi Ming bit him.

'He wants my nipples? Why? Poor child, he doesn't have a mother afterall. (You're his mom boi)', Lin Fang Jun thought.

Bi Ming was still trying desperately to reach inside his clothes. But what can a little bun do if his mom is silly?

'Should I let him suck my nipples? Well I am alone anyways. It's not like a child will remember something from his childhood.'

He hesitantly opened his inner garment a little. Biming quickly latched onto his nipple.

'Wait what is going on? Why do I feel like there's something coming out of my nipples?'

He tried to pry away Bi Ming. But he wouldn't budge. Lin Fang Jun had no choice. He reached for his other nipple.

'Holy shit I'm still lactating. What in the world. Am I still a man?'.(E: ...........i'm out). Lin FangJun felt like he's going to pass out.

'Where the hell did I come to'. He looked at little Bi Ming and said,"At least someone is happy..... Xiao Ming have your fill. I'll also have breakfast after I feed you."

Well he can't change who he was now. He's dead in his world. Now he got a second chance. No matter how weird it gets he was not going to lose hope. Maybe after he understands the world better he can run away with his child.....

After Bi Ming was full and content he started babbling and playing on his own in the cot.

Lin Fang Jun decided he wanted to have breakfast or lunch, maybe brunch. He called for an attendent.

As he got up from his seat he felt dizzy. Everything around got blurry. Before passing out he thought, 'Did the heavens make a mistake, am I going to die again now? '

He didn't die though. But he did wake up in a place he never would have expected. He was UNDER A MAN AND WAS HAVING SEX!

A really handsome man was looking at him. He had a cheeky grin. "What? Already tired? We still have the whole night left.", the man said with a smirk.

He was in a nicely decorated room. But Lin Fang Jun didn't have time to take in the beauty of the room.

He felt hot and something was inside his crysenthemum. The extraordinarily handsome man started rocking again. He heard someone moaning really lewdly and provocatively.

Shit he was moaning. He tried to stop but he had no control over his voice.
"Ah a little slowly. feels so good. Give me more unghh....", he moaned loudly. He couldn't help but to blush after hearing his own voice moaning like that.

"Oh baby you're great. So soft and tight. Better than everyone else. I can do you all the time. Ah...Damn...FUCK I'm going to cum",the handsome man groaned.

Lin Fang Jun felt the organ inside him getting bigger. There was also a very wet feeling.

Lin Fang Jun cried without tears. His virginity was gone just like that. He wanted to lose it to a shy beautiful girl, not to a strong handsome man ba!

After that he heard the panting and felt the rising and falling of someone's heart. Then he passed out again.

Edited: 19- 01-2020

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