Someone Else's Memory part 3

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Lin Fang Jun woke up again. This time the room was different from the other one. He was still feeling disoriented.

This room was donned in red. He was also wearing red ceremonial robes. The kind that brides wore on their wedding day.

He was more than shocked to see himself wearing this. Not in his wildest dreams did he imagine this.

A man entered the room. He was also wearing red ceremonial gown. Just his dress was that of a groom's.

Lin FangJun's eyes were opened wide. It's the same man who was having sex in his last dream. The same exceedingly handsome gorgeous man.

"I don't expect anything less from you.",the man said. Lin Fang Jun was wondering what he might be talking about.

But without his wish, his mouth answered, "Yes, This subject understand your majesty."

'But I don't understand anything ', Lin Fang Jun thought.

"You have a mission. As promised, you'll be rewarded if you finish it."

After that the handsome man exited the room. And Lin Fang Jun once again lost consciousness.

This time when he woke up he was in a courtyard. But it wasn't the courtyard he first woke up in.The atmosphere was weird. He could hear someone crying. But of course he couldn't recognize the voice.

He was standing in an inconspicuous corner. He felt wetness in his cheeks and deep heavy feeling in his heart. Suddenly a man rushed towards him.

This man was wearing white but elegant clothes. As soon as he saw Lin Fang Jun.He hugged him really tightly and it didn't help that the man was half head taller.

"Don't cry Xiao Jun.Father wouldn't like you crying.", the man whispered.

Lin Fang Jun felt his eyes getting moist.

"What should I do now Gege? Father left me just like that.Now who would put up with my tantrum?When mother scolds me, who would take my side and then get scolded with me? He promised me that he would give me the grandest wedding ever. But now I don't want anything. I just want my father back.", Lin FangJun cried out.

Even though he wasn't saying that willingly, he could feel the sorrow of losing a loved one. Everything felt like, they didn't exist. It was hazy all around.

Lin Fang Jun couldn't stop crying. The man held him in his arms and brought him to a more populated area. Many were crying, just like himself. Lin Fang Jun said his goodbyes to the original owners father.

This man always pampered his ger child. His overly mischievous youngest child would often get in trouble, but this man was there to always get him out.

After attending the funeral Lin Fang Jun went back to his room. He couldn't control any movements but he could feel the original's feelings. He plopped into the bed and passed out.

Next time he woke up, everything was dark. It was hard for him to adjust his emotions. Every time he woke up,he felt some type of feeling. It was the original's feelings precisely.

The feelings were pretty strong. Maybe he was reliving the memories where the originals feelings were the strongest. He wondered where he is now.

He heard a knock on the window. He jumped out of his bed and opened the window. A really young girl was giving him a toothy grin.

She said,"Jun ge, let's go out now. Everyone's sleeping."
Lin FangJun replied,"Let's go."
And then both of them broke out in a fit of giggles.

They walked a for a long time and hid from a lot of soldier like people. The young girl that was with him was Yunxi.After a long time, they finally arrived in front of a garden.

It was breathtakingly beautiful. The flowers were in bloom. Red, blue, purple,pink, yellow, green almost all the colors one can imagine was present there. A big full moon was hanging in the sky. The moonlight was, for some reason, pretty bright. It was illuminating this breathtaking view. The countless stars were decorating the whole sky.

"Imperial garden is breathtaking only on a full moon. See I told you it'll be a piece of cake.", Lin FangJun said.
"Jun ge is always right. It was me that was ignorant. But if we get caught we'll be in big trouble.", Yunxi exclaimed.
"Don't worry. Father will get us out and we're not going to get caught." He hit her lightly on the head and said, "Don't jinx it. Enjoy because we can't come here again."

"Who's there?", someone screamed. A man in elegant clothes entered the garden with two men who looked like attendants.
Lin Fang Jun's heartbeat was getting faster. He felt weird all over. This strange feeling was also present at the night he was wearing red clothes and met the overly gorgeous man.

This time it was also that overly handsome man. Lin Fang Jun's cheeks turned hot at the sight of this man.

"We're not here to harm anything. We just wanted to watch the garden.", Yunxi said.

When the attendants tried to approach them,the man looked at Lin Fang Jun and asked, "Who're you?"

Lin Fang Jun got flustered and replied,"I'm second son of General Lin, Lin Fang Jun." Lin Fang Jun's heart was beating at its fastest speed after hearing the man's magnetic voice.

"Contact general Lin and take both of them under custody. Treat them like....guests.", after saying this the man exited the garden.

Lin Fang Jun felt like he lost something precious. He still couldn't pinpoint the original's exact feeling. After eating and waiting, someone came and led them to Lin residence.

A woman scolded him and the man who was dead in his last dream, tried to pacify her. As it was night, Lin Fang Jun was sent to his room.

In a daze he got into the bed and tried to sleep. But his mood was complicated. He tried a lot to calm his nerves down. After a long time,he slipped into deep slumber.

Edited: 19-01-2020

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