I Want A Divorce

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Lin Fang Jun put Lin Bi Ming to sleep. Well his little man had a big day afterall.He always wondered, how these ancient men kept so many woman by their side. He had seen his friends with their girlfriends and after that he thinks that he should always stay single.

He was sure of one thing, he never wants to meet the man named Rong Huan.

Well bad news for him though,he is going to meet his 'Husband' just the next day.

The next day. What a charming morning it was, birds were singing, gentle breeze was caressing the leaves and making pleasant sounds. It all exuded the charm of a beautiful atmosphere.

But the harmony was shattered because of a very rude person's shouting.

Lin Fang Jun was resting in a comfy chair under the shades of a peach tree in his pavilion.

The person shouting was actually a servant of Lin Fang Jun . She came scuffling to the pavilion.

Lin Fang Jun was rudely disturbed. But he didn't get angry. Why would he? All the servants here are children after all.

The servant who was serving Lin Fan Jun, was not that patient. She asked in an angry voice," Is there a fire? Why are you screaming? Can't you see, Lady Lin is resting after his breakfast!"

"Calm down Yue.",Lin Fang Jun said. Yue was one of his trusted maids. She is always beside him. She looks nothing more than fourteen. After telling Yue off, Lin FangJun looked at the crouching servant girl and asked,"Do you have something to tell me?"

The little maid kowtowed twice and then said." I apologize for disrupting master's rest. But this matter is really urgent." She glanced around and then continued," His Highness has wished to visit master today and he said he wishes to stay the night."

There were gasping voice everywhere. Then the maids started murmuring. Lin Fang Jun was actually not shocked by this. At these times, the original's memories came in handy.

He knew that the original owner had fallen out of favor. The reason was the so called 'mission'. The original was hopelessly in love. He didn't want Rong Huan to do this extreme dangerous deed. So the original refused to cooperate.

Lin Fang Jun had thought about it. He didn't want to defy the Lord of this world. But after dying once, he didn't want to get involved in any life threatening instances.

Anyway, by midday, the Lin residence looked like a newly wedded wife. Everything was beautiful and lovely. Lin Bi Ming was dressed neatly. He had met his father before, of course. But the family of three haven't had a meal together yet.

But the real attraction was neither the Lin residence nor Lin Bi Ming. It was our Lin Fang Jun .

He was dressed in a beautiful purple dress that accentuated his intoxicating visage. Lin Fang Jun had thought that he could fall in love with himself.

Lin Fang Jun wasn't a huge fan of gaudy colors but he didn't want to disappoint these excited teenage girls. As a modern man, he couldn't think of these girls as something less than human.

The underaged girls looked satisfied with their handiwork. He wasn't that displeased either, so he let them be.

After getting ready, Lin Fang Jun started playing with Bi Ming. He grabbed Bi Mings meaty little paws  (E: can i eat them) and kissed them. Bi Ming answered with giggles and a really cute 'Mama'. Yes,the six months old Bi Ming has learned saying mama.

Lin Fang Jun wasn't really happy with that call, but he compromised. When Bi Ming will grow older, he'll grow out of it.

It was almost afternoon, when the maids announced the arrival of His Holy Highness Rong Huan.

And there he was, with all his handsome glory, Rong Huan.

"You should close your mouth. It makes you look really ugly.", that was the first remark that came out of Rong Huan's mouth.

'Well I officially hate this conceited asshole. My mouth is just slightly agape because he looks handsome. That's it. Why does he have to put it like I'm worshipping him. Humph!',Lin Fang Jun thought.

"Well I'm just surprised that his highness still remembers this lowly servant and his child", Lin FangJun bowed and pretended he didn't hear his(RY) last remark.

"Ah....My child has grown so much. Come to me child, dad will hold you.", Rong Huan took Bi Ming from Lin Fang Jun. Lin Bi Ming squealed in his father's bosom.

Rong Huan blew raspberries in Bi Ming's belly.And Bi Ming replied with giggles and squeals. They looked like normal father and child.

Lin Fang Jun was again amazed. He thought that the kings were really distant from their children, but the people in front of him, didn't look like that at all.

After playing for a while, the silly bun was tired. So, a maid came and took Bi Ming away.

Tea was served and Rong Huan and Lin Fang Jun were sitting face to face. They looked like they were calmly enjoying their tea. But if you looked closely enough, you could sense the tense atmosphere.

They both had reason to be tensed. For Lin Fang Jun, it was uncomfortable to face his so called husband, with whom he spent countless nights fooling around. Well the original did,but the memories were vivid enough to make him pretty uncomfortable.

And Rong Huan you ask? Well the author is still not powerful enough to read his mind. But I sure can tell, it's something serious.





They both started talking at the same time. It was silent once again.

"You go first.", Rong Huan offered.

Lin Fang Jun didn't want to take any chances. So he refuted," The thing your majesty has to say, must be more important."

"I think it would be better for you to say it first. I'm not sure if you'll be in any shape to speak after you hear me.", Rong Huan said in a very serene voice.

Lin Fang Jun took a deep breath. Better get it done before something goes wrong. He really dreaded the reaction from the man in front of him. He didn't want to let his nerves get to him.

He finally gathered enough courage and said, "I want a divorce, Your Highness."


Utter silence.

EDITED : 23-01-2020

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