He Is My Man Part 2

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Lin Fang Jun was thinking of ways to get out of Rong Huan's evil clutches. But he failed to figure out a way. He was feeling all miserable. There's no way that he could have sex with a guy. He's straight you see.

Well, he can be called lucky because an eunuch came to call Rong Huan.
"Your majesty, the emperors have all arrived at the court. They would like to meet you in person."

Rong Huan tch'ed and put Lin Fang Jun down. Before leaving Rong Huan whispered in Lin Fang Jun's ears,"Looks like luck isn't with you this time, let's continue this next time."

After saying this, Rong Huan kissed Lin Fang Jun's cheeks and then went away. Lin Fang Jun shivered and cursed Rong Huan,the cringy bastard, in his head.

'You are unlucky, your whole family is unlucky.(AN:You're also his family now. But why are you getting offended?)Who's unlucky you weirdo, I'm super lucky. That's why you're going away now. Humph!'

After Rong Huan went away Lin Fang Jun hugged Bi Ming tightly. Lin Fang Jun said," Ming Ming give daddy consolation. That man annoys daddy a lot. Daddy doesn't like him. Do you like him,baby?"

Biming answered with squeals and a loud 'Mama' followed by a kiss on Lin Fang Jun's lips.

"Aww my Ming Ming is the best.", Lin Fang Jun cooed.

Don't know what Bi Ming understood but on the inside Biming was screaming, 'Don't like,Don't like. Whatever mama don't like, I don't like.'

Lin Fang Jun and Bi Ming had become inseparable. So their relationship has also became so much better. Lin Fang Jun didn't have internet or anything interesting to do so he spends all his time with Bi Ming. It's not like he has to be on diaper duty.

eing a wife of half god has its own spark.

Bi Ming sees his mama all day now so he also loves his mama a lot.

Lin Fang Jun doesn't entertain others or flaunt in front of others, so he has a lot of free time that he spends teaching Bi Ming how to speak.

So Bi Ming's vocabulary has been enriched a lot lately. As a son of a half god, Biming was learning everything rather quickly. But he still can't make Bi Ming call him papa or daddy (-_- ). He needs to try more.

In the courtroom, Rong Huan met up with the Monarchs from four countries. This world has four countries. Together they are called the land of gods.

The four countries are separated by the gods they mainly worship. So clashes are pretty common. Their boundaries are also heavily gaurded. As a half god with godly powers, Rong Huan is the bridge between the two realms, also the ruler of human realm.

So he is respected by all the humans. The four monarchs that are sitting in front of him are not actually in good terms with each other. For the past year Rong Huan has been busy with dealing their clashes.

Now four of them are in front of him and he isn't liking this one bit.

After congratulating Rong Huan, they started showing their true colors.

The youngest one among them was the ruler of the wealthiest country Qin. Qin Wen Shu has always looked down on other monarchs, just like his father.

"Your majesty, I'm honored to be here in front of you today. It is a blissful occasion that your son is turning 6 months old. I pray to the gods that your son can lead a healthy life. And your majesty I assure you that I am the sole one who is completely loyal to you.", Qin Wen Shu stated.

Emperor of Han, the smallest country with a lot of natural resources, Han Chun Shi was easily provoked. He didn't understand the underlying meaning behind Qin Wen Shu's words and jumped into the trap.

"You think we are not loyal towards his majesty? I have been loyal to his majesty for years. I've never betrayed or disobeyed his majesty.", Han Chun Shi screamed.

The emperor of Sang country, Sang Chi interfered," Then weren't you the one who refused to sign the treaty that his majesty offered. You were the one who said no matter what, you would not stop fighting against us. Now who's a hypocrite! Humph."

The emporer of Yan, Yan He Chen was the oldest. Country of Yan is famous for their literary work. He was the only one who wasn't bickering like 'a man arguing with a prostitute about the price for a blowjob.'

Rong Huan got a headache after listening to them squabble on and on.

"Silence.", Rong Huan finally couldn't take it anymore.

There was silence in the courtroom. Yan He Chen stood up and kowtowed, "Your Majesty, pardon us for our rudeness. We deserve to be punished."

Rest of the emperors followed suit. After that no one dared to bicker again for the rest of the day. At the end Rong Huan talked to Yan He Chen privately.

"Is everything ready?", Rong Huan asked.

"We will need a little bit more time your majesty.", Yan He Chen replied.

"Do it faster.", with that Rong Huan left the courtroom.

Still, Rong Huan felt mentally strained. After he achieves his goal, he wouldn't need to tolerate those insufferable brutes.

While thinking about his goal he remembered Lin Fang Jun. A rare beauty whom he married for his own convenience. Whom he used without any care for the other's feelings.

Lin Fang Jun also let him use himself. He shouldn't feel guilty for manipulating Lin Fang Jun's feelings, right?

Well he didn't, but meeting him after five months, he could feel that Lin Fang Jun has changed. As the most powerful in human realm, he has seen his fare share of beauties. So Lin Fang Jun didn't peak his interest at first. He was just a convenient tool.

But now when he asked for divorce, for the first time Rong Huan was shocked. People would die to be in Lin Fang Jun's position. He doesn't want it? This question puzzled him.

He still remembered the resoluteness in Lin Fang Jun's eyes. They didn't waver even for a minute. The peach blossom unwavering eyes pulled Rong Huan into their deep chasm. Rong Huan was hooked.

He would like to see what else Lin Fang Jun has to offer. He can threaten Fang Jun with their son as a hostage so that Lin Fang Jun can't run away. Despicable? Maybe. But Rong Huan isn't the type that would let go so easily.

He smiled at the thought of meeting Lin Fang Jun again tomorrow. He was looking forward to it.

Sad thing is Lin Fang Jun isn't going to like this one bit.

(AN:Yay!! Author is now strong enough to access Rong Huan's thoughts. I'm so happy.XD

Love is still far way. But we can make do with interest,for now.)

Edited :26-01-2020

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