Naming The Bun

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Lin FangJun was startled by the sound of someone entering. He didn't think he would meet someone from this world so soon.

"Lady Lin, may I come in?", it was a voice of a very young maiden. Her crisp voice reverberated in the room. She was talking in a formal tone, so he also used a formal tone and said, "You may."

He was still shocked and pondering over the formal address she used.

'Lady Lin.', he is pretty sure that this body has a man's precious jewel, then why is he called a lady. Looks like this body's owner was faking being a lady.

Unfortunately,he has to play along, otherwise who knows what calamity will fall upon him.

"Lady Lin, here is water to wash your face.", a girl around the age of 13 or 14 offered a bowl.

By the look of it she must have been the original owner's servant. She kept her head lowered all thetime.

Lin FangJun wanted to think things through. So he decided to send her ou tf of the room.

"Go and prepare bath water", Lin FangJuns voice was commanding but he was scared of being OOC. Whichever world it is, no one would take ghost possession nicely, right?

For his great relief, she didn't say anything more, bowed again and left the room.

He looked at the steamed bun in his arms. The child was looking at him with big bright eyes. The bun's purple eyes were shining because of the sunlight.

Lin Fang Jun dazedly looked at the child and thought, 'how's this kid so cute ba.'

The child was sucking on his thumb. After he noticed that his parent was looking at him, he started babbling nonsense.

Obviously, the parent couldn't understand anything.

Out of nowhere,the child started crying.

Lin Fang Jun was startled. 'Why is this child crying?', he thought.

Lin Fang Jun checked the child's nappy. It was not soiled. 'Maybe the child is hungry?', he thought.

Of course the child is. The child hadn't eaten anything since he woke up.

Lin Fang Jun looked around the room but couldn't find anything that contains milk. The child was just a baby, of course he couldn't drink anything other than milk, that even a novice parent like Lin Fang Jun could understand.

But there was no milk in the room. Lin FangJun was feeling helpless. Suddenly he felt something on his chest.

'Holy shit, this child is latching on my nipples again', Lin Fang Jun thought. He yanked the child away and yelped in pain. This child was really strong.

His dress was wet with the kids saliva. 'Why does this child has so much saliva?',he wondered.

Lin FangJun wanted to get out of this saliva soaked dress. So he found another dress and started stripping.

He was shocked stupid after opening his clothes. 'Holy hell, what's this white substance coming out of my nipples', he panicked, 'But this body is a man's, right? '.he was still confused about whether he is a man or a woman

He again untied his trouser and looked inside. His, now small, jewel was still there.

'What the hell is going on?! Do all girls in this world have dicks? A man lactating? It's hurting my man pride ah!'

The child was crying again. Maybe he was really hungry.

'Whatever just feed a hungry child. I'll deal with this later. ', Lin FangJun resolutely decided.

He brought the child closer. After coming close enough the child latched onto his nipple and sucked ferociously.

Lin FangJun scrunched up his face in pain but didn't shy away. He had decided to raise this child, so he has to provide food for him.

How he provided? That's not important at all.

'Now that I have decided to raise you, I can't keep calling you this child. Let's think a name for you.',Lin Fang Jun thought.

He thought for a moment. He realized, deciding a person's name is really difficult. He looked at the child again.

"How about Bi Ming? Lin Bi Ming. Little one you look as clear as jade. Bi Ming also means as clear as jade. I think it's really suitable. What do you think little one?"

Of course the little one was enjoying his meal. He didn't even give a glance at his parent.

Lin Fang Jun lightly laughed and said, "From today onwards you're Lin Bi Ming, my son." Then he kissed his bun's cheeks.

In an unknown world,where you don't have anyone,it wasn't so bad to have someone that you can rely on. Lin Fang Jun's heart felt full.

(Sorry for any mistakes. Do tell if you find one. The ML is busy, so he would join us a little later. Let's see if he still can be so cocky with me if he meets the MC xD. Hmph. I'll take my revenge on you. just you wait and see ML )

Edited: 16-01-2020

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