📌 ~ Tagged Once More! 4th Edition! ~ 📌

74 7 72

Ha! I have the power of four tags! I am unstoppable!

. . .

. . . It's too early, please don't judge-

Anyways, I was tagged by my lovely friend, thecrazyandweirdgirl!

Please go follow them! Like, right now!! ♡♡♡

Now, down to business! :D

Number 1: Tell 5 things about yourself

1~ Well first off, I finally have a boyfriend! I know, shocking right? XD

2~ I have recently gotten into anime and manga!

3~ Favorite anime so far is Ouran High School Host Club!

4~ Favorite manga is Tokyo Ghoul! Even though I've only read the first issue-

No spoilers! >:V

5~ My favorite fast food is between Wendy's and McDonald's, obviously XD

Number 2: Favorite TV show?

In my previous tags, I have said that Criminal Minds and Sonic Boom were tied for top favorite. This is still true! Although, Ouran High School Host Club is now a close second!

It's not a TV show, though-

Number 3: Favorite candy?

Huh, is chocolate considered candy? I've also thought of it as a separate category, y'know?

If we're talking chocolate here, then dark chocolate all the way!

If we're talking about literal candies, I like butterscotch candies. Mmm~, sounds so good right about now!

Number 3: Favorite Cake and ice cream flavor

(And yes, that's how it was capitalized in the picture.)

Um, why are there two number 3's??? You can't just do that!



. . .

┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)

But to answer the . . . statement?? Um, I like chocolate cake, and I love this flavor of ice cream called Butter Pecan!

Mmmmm, we gotta stop talking about food! It's making me hungry! DX

Number 4: iPhone or samsung/android?

I like Android much better! It doesn't break as easily as the iPhones do.

Number 5: What country you live in

I live in the United States of America! Or just the United States for some people . . .

Number 6: Cheese or no cheese?

Wait, people eat their pizzas WITHOUT CHEESE–

Number 7: Are you tired?

Who isn't? XD

Number 8: What language/s do you speak?

Yo hablo inglés.

Number 9: favorite color/s

I have said in previous tags that turquoise, teal, and mint green are my favorite colors. Blue and green are second.

This has not changed at all! These are still my favorite colors! :D

Number 10: What are your hobbies?

1~ I love to sing!

Although I don't see it as a career for me, I love to sing and listen to music when the opportunity presents itself!

2~ Drawing is also a hobby of mine!

As you will see throughout this book, I love to draw too! I won't post art stuff often, but that's mostly because of my Art class! I'll post more art when I can!

3~ Star-gazing!

I like to just lay down in the grass and look up at the stars sometimes. It's very relaxing and calms the mind, I guess.

Now I sound like some yoga or meditation instructor XD

4~ Reading!

I especially love to read manga now! It helps me discover the many styles of art I had never found before!

And I love some books on here <3

5~ Writing

Writing is a passion of mine. And although I may stop writing for a short period of time, but that's only because I have other things to worry about. I apologise to all of the readers of GGF. I plan on working on it soon! Promise!

None of these are in any exact order. I just love to do them all!

Tag 13 people!

Well if you insist ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)














Ha, ha! Now you must all tell us your secrets!! >:3

Anywho, I'mma head off here. So, keep on shining my little gems and have a lovely day! ✨

Diamond out! 💎

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