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I just want to record some funny/strange(?) conversations I overheard today . . .

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So on the bus (people think they're practically unhearable, but little did they know . . .) this girl was gossiping to her male friend about something that probably should've been discussed in private. Too bad she had a pretty loud mouth and I was sitting in the seat right in front of her.

Apparently, another girl had broken up with her boyfriend because he was going around and telling his friends that he had had sex with her, getting her pregnant in the process.

. . .

I'm seriously at a loss for words.

We just had Sex ED class, like, two weeks ago!!!! The least these two could've done was heed their teacher's words and wear some sort of protection . . .

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At lunch, I was jamming out to this BATIM song (Build Our Machine if you were wondering) when at the table next to me, I hear:

"Here, take them." This guy was passing a bag of cashews to this couple across from him. He always sat with them, so I assume they were all good friends.

"I don't want these nuts!" The girl exclaimed with a joking smile as she gave a small laugh, holding the small package up beside her face.

The friend then responded, "But you like his nuts." He gestured to the boyfriend sitting literally right next to her who was also paying attention to the conversation.

The couple just laughed, though it was a joyous one, not an awkward one.

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Third and final story for today . . .

I have this academic team (basically random trivia, but up against other teams/people) and we were all practising against each other with the teacher.

The question was 'Where did the Norwegian gods live?'.

I think this one girl in the back thought the teacher had said 'Who are the Norwegian gods?', so she just said – without raising her hand to actually answer . . .


. . . I've never heard anything as funny as that in a long time XD

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Welp, thanks for listening to these dumb but funny stories! By the way, they all happened today!!

I've never really eavesdropped before, but I might do it more often now just to do this XD

But anyways, keep on shining my little gems and have a lovely day! ✨

Diamond out! 💎

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