📢 ! Rename the Book ! 📢

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Greetings and salutations, my fellow readers and friends! Welcome to another chapter of my randomness book where today I will be talking about something pretty serious . . .

And no, I'm not discontinuing or putting any of my books on hold.

It's way worse than that . . .

. . .

I've decided to rename this book!! :D

I̶ ̶t̶o̶l̶d̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶s̶e̶r̶i̶o̶u̶s̶.̶

Apparently, so many books are called 'Book of Randomness' or '[Y/N]'s Book of Randomness'.

And that's not very creative, is it? :/

So after looking at so many books called the same exact thing, I decided, "Hey! Why don't I name it something unique, something that no one else has thought of?"

At first I wanted something with the name 'Chaos' in it since this book is all about chaos and discord XD

But 'Book of Chaos' wasn't very unique either.

So then I was like, "Oh, wait! 'The Chaos Chronicles'! That's a good name!"

Well, it may be a good name, but it sure as hell ain't very unique apparently.

I was back to square one. But then I thought, "What about some synonyms for chaos? Surely Google has something!"

Sure enough, I looked up synonyms for chaos and one word that I really liked appeared.


It was fucking perfect.

I don't know how, but my mind immediately went to 'The Anarchy Chronicles'.

It's pretty fucking unique considering I looked it up right here on Wattpad and no, absolutely zero, books were/are called anything remotely close to that.

So . . . the new name for the book is . . .

"The Anarchy Logs"

Ha, got ya! You all thought the new title was 'The Anarchy Chronicles'? Child's play!

'The Anarchy Chronicles' just sounds so boring and is way too long XP

'The Anarchy Logs' is shorter and is more catchier than the previous suggestion. Plus, TAL just sounds way better than TAC 😎

And I even made a new book cover to go along with the new book name! :D

Bestow your eyes upon this beauty!

Bestow your eyes upon this beauty!

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It's fucking perfection 😔🙏

This shall be my new book cover from now on.

In case any of you new people out there are reading this after I've already changed it, the old name for this book was 'Book of Randomness'.

And this was its cover:

I made both of these book covers myself (#HumbleBrag 😎✌️), and I love the former one, but I needed something new to go along with the new book name

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I made both of these book covers myself (#HumbleBrag 😎✌️), and I love the former one, but I needed something new to go along with the new book name.

It's about time I made some new changes around here! >:D

And to start 2020 off (even though we're already five months into it-), I wanted to shake things up a bit, get a little out of my comfort zone.

So enjoy my new book title and cover 👍

By the way, HotPocketPoet and my Gramps, TheAverageCrusader, both helped me in picking out this new book title! So props to them! Uwu

Keep on shining my little gems and have a lovely day ✨

- Diamond out! 💎

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