☕ | A Couple of Screws Loose | ☕

37 3 4

For some reason, I felt like this conversation deserved a chapter all of its own. So enjoy my and my friend's stupidity :)

『· · · ✎ · · ·』

Allen: "What's the difference between a lightbulb and a pregnant woman?"

Rose: "The pregnant woman has a live fetus growing inside of her?"

Allen: "The lightbulb can be unscrewed."

Rose: "Wow, Allen. Abortion is a thing, y'know."

Allen: "Wow, Rose! That's screwed up!!"

Me: "Just like that pregnant woman, huh, Allen?"

*giggles ensue from both me and Rose as Allen is slightly shocked*

『· · · ✎ · · ·』

Lol I love Allen. He's my hilarious partner (teammate). We make a great team when it comes to jokes XD

Well, keep on shining my little gems and have a lovely day!! ✨

Diamond out! 💎

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