💬 < Highschool Never Ends > 📝

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Okay, so I was in my first hour/period, just minding my own business as I was jamming out to my playlist - there were 69 different songs on there - while I worked on this assignment.

There were, like, 5 minutes left of class when one of my favorite songs came on. It's called "Highschool Never Ends" (See? I can make titles related to my chapters :3) and I seriously LOVE it.

Here is the video because you seriously need to check it out before I slurp your toes-


The channel that made the video is called Boomsonic123 and I recommend checking them out. It'll be worth it 👌👍

And since I didn't have much time left in class, I decided that I was gonna sing it. Well, not sing it, per say, more like . . . lip sync it? But no one else could hear my music so . . . XD

I was totally jamming out, nodding my head along with the beat, rocking along to the music as I lip synced - is that a even a word? - completely ignoring everything around me like a total rockstar 😎

Kids started lining up at the door like they always do before the bell rang, and out of the corner of my eye, I see these three girls looking at me as they're waiting for the bell to ring.

I just want to point out that these few girls were a part of the "popular" group. I say popular with quotation marks because I really don't care for the social hierarchy that makes up our school 😂🤣

Of course, I completely ignored their stares and smiles and just continued my . . . dancing? It wasn't really dancing since I was only making small hand gestures XD

But then I suddenly hear one of them shout from across the room, "Yeah, get it girl!!"


I only wanted to share that wonderful experience with of you lovely people because I thought it was pretty ironic.

A popular girl shouted out to me to "get it" as I'm singing a song all about climbing the social ladder that is highschool.

But, seriously, do popular kids always feel the need to sort've single out the loser kid of the class while they're minding their own business?

Like, why? 🤨

Can't people just mind their own business for once?? Lol

I also want to point out the fact that these are the same girls like to poke and make fun of my name.

Like, they'll call me Pearl, Emerald, Ruby, any shiny stone that they can get their hands on. But mostly just Pearl or Emerald.

They'll call me anything aside from Diamond.

Of course, I'll ignore them until they say my real name, though I really feel the need to express how immature that is. Like, why is that amusing to them? I'm not mad or anything, but honestly, I just want to know why? 🤔

I've never understood that kind of behavior. Never really tolerated it either XD

Anyways, I guess that's all I really had for this chapter.

Moral of this story: . . . uh, social hierarchy is a bunch of bull? Idk anymore 🤣

So, keep on shining my little gems and have a lovely day!! ✨

Diamond out! 💎

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