💬 < Gender Identity > 📝

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Okay, so this morning, I was on the bus and remember those two kids that sit behind that have a hard time shutting their mouths?

No? Okay, do you remember the story I told you about this girl talking way to loud about ANOTHER girl's romantic/sex life to her male friend?

Yeah, those two? Well guess what!! I've got another story to tell about these two fucks!! :D

So I was just listening to What's Funny by Bo Burnham (go check him out!) and I literally just happened to see my friend Marshall walking to school.

Now a little background on Marshall. He used to be called . . . Brenda or Alex before he figured out that he was actually male. Yes, he previously thought that he was a girl.

And as I just so happened to take a glance at him, I hear the dude in the seat behind me say to the girl next to him, "Look at that girl!! Go home!!"

I turned around and nonchalantly said, "He's a boy." then turned around and continued listening to my music.

Then the girl behind me said, "That is no boy!! That's Brenda!! I grew up with her!"

And I replied once more as I turned around, "And Marshall's now a guy. Get used to it." And then I went back to listening to my music.

Again, I hear the girl say, "There's no way. I've known her for six years (apparently you don't know him well enough 😑)! If she's a guy, then show me the dick!"

She was obviously trying to make a big show about this with her friend, but do you understand how insensitive and rude that is?!

That'd be like calling someone a nickname you know they don't like!!

Gender identity is very important folks. Don't be insensitive to people who want to be the gender they were supposed to be born as!!! 😤😤

Like, jeez! That's the least you can do for someone who hasn't even done anything to you!

Marshall is a great friend and doesn't deserve that kind of hate just because he found out that he wasn't female. I'm not SUPER close friends with him, but he's a good person with a kind heart.

Don't be like these two pricks in the back of the bus, people.

Do better than that.

Keep on shining my little gems and have a lovely day ✨

Diamond out 💎

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