chapter 5~what happen?

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"Wha... What?"muka Solona buruk terus dingar ayat saya. Mulut dia ternganga. Maybe dia nda sangka yang saya akan biarkan daddy saya sendiri mati.

"What happened? Cat caught your tongue? Just kill him already.. I don't care.. As long as i have your head.. It would be a nice throphy.. The last remain of The Torones clan.. Thats u Solona Torone.. U don't have any brothers that can rule.. Your father died because of your poison.. Now your mother sent u here to take over Hyginia.. U are just a toy.. You know that.. Your mother is the biggest mastermind in all these plans.. Do u think i'll be falling for u like all your former husband? Hahahhaha.. Guess what.. I don't.."saya bilang lagi dan muka Solona semakin pucat bila saya reveile rahsia dia satu persatu. Macam dia nda percaya yang saya tau tentang dia begini banyak.

"Think about it Solona.. I give u 3 days to think about it.. U poison my father, i kill u and all your clans and Torone will be burn to ashes.. U try to get to me, i kill u too.. The best way is to go back to where u came from and never come back.. Are we clear?"saya tanya lagi sambil tersenyum sinis. Dia mengundurkan langkah dia selangkah demi selangkah. Muka dia pucat.

"Is that your answer?"saya tanya dia lagi bila dia mengundur perlahan.

"Umhh.. No.. I will think about it.. U said 3 days right? "debilang lagi sambil tingu saya. Tapi kali ni pandangan dia nda seberani tadi.

"3 days to prepare your clan for war? Or for convincing allies to be by your side? Either way, i'm fine with it.."saya masih sinis.

"U are arrogant Deathgod!! One day.."belum dia habis cakap saya terus potong cakap dia.

"What happen one day? I bet in 3 days, i'll be hanging your head on my wall.."-me

Dia pandang saya dengan pandangan tajam tapi saya nda mau kalah. Saya tetap senyum sinis pada dia. Dia terus keluar dari pejabat saya dan bunyi kasut tinggi dia di lantai kedengaran agak bingit.

That'll teach her!

Saya ambil handphone saya dan call El.


📞Yes deathgod..

📞send someone to watch Solona.. I want her every move reported to me..

📞got it Deathgod..

📞And one more thing.. Don't let her get near Lily..


Saya duduk sekejap dan termenung. Sedang cuba memikirkan apa yang ada di dalam otak Solona. She should know.. Sooner or later i will kill her too. Its just a matter of time. So saya nda rasa dia akan mengalah.

2 days later,

Esok ialah hari dimana Solona akan kasi jawapan terhadap offer saya. Dan dalam masa 2 hari ni saya pun teda dingar tentang Solona. Saya mimang sengaja teda pigi rumah daddy. I'm giving her time to pack and break every ties she have with my family.

Saya suruh El tinggal di rumah dan saya pigi ke rumah Daryl bersama 2 orang guard saya. Nda patut juga saya mau bawa El ke rumah Daryl. Takut nanti Daryl kasi keluar sniper pula untuk bunuh El.

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