chapter 10~ reveiling

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"I like the sound of that

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"I like the sound of that.. Kaboom! Hahahhahaha..."debilang sambil keluar dari tempat persembunyian di tirai belakang pintu. Dia jadikan Pamela sebagai perisai dan dia acukan pistol ke kepala Pamela. Ada orang2 dia lagi sana beberapa orang. Saya acukan pistol ke arah dia. Guards saya semua ikut acukan pistol ke arah dia. Muka Pamela sedikit pun nda panik. Some fearless bitch she is. 

James Ashton!!

Kan saya sudah bilang. I have a reason for hating someone so much. And this is the reason i hate him. He is always getting on my nerves. Dan dia sangat licik. Tapi dia patut tau yang saya lebih licik!

"Go ahead u dick! Just shoot me already!"Pamela bilang dengan nada bengis.

"Whoa Pam.. Still stubborn aren't u? That's what makes u fucking delicious..did u know that? Remember how u use to scream my name when i fuck your little cunt?"James jilat telinga Pamela. Pamela pusing kepala dia ke tepi menghadap muka James dan dia ludah muka James yang di bahu dia.

"James! where is my daughter?"Saya tanya dia. Pistol di tangan saya masih belum saya turunkan.

"Awww Mitch.. U of all people know there is no such thing as free trades.. U want something, u gotta give something in return.."James bilang sambil tersenyum sinis. Bekas ludah Pamela di pipi dia biarkan seja mengalir.

"What do u want?"saya tanya dia balik.

"Ohh.. Let me think.. How if i want 2 precious things in your life? Would u give it for your precious daughter?"Dia bilang sambil tersenyum penuh muslihat. If only i can read his fucking mind! The beast in me is struggling to come out and i am doing everything i can to lock it in because i need to know where the hell this bastard has my daughter!

"Just tell me god dammit!!"Saya teriak sana. 

"I want your hyginia throne and Lily.. Is that posible hmm Mitch?"Debilang dan ayat dia yang terakhir bagaikan halilintar menusuk ke dalam hati saya.

He wants Lily??!!

"are u out of your fucking mind?"Saya teriak lagi pada dia.

"aww.. come on Mitch.. nda patut Lily dan takhta kau lebih penting dari nyawa anak kau.. Kau boleh ba dapat perempuan lain.. Oh ya.. Pamela here suda lama juga suka sama kau.. and the throne, Pamela pun ada ba Maccalan clan.. Cuma lebih kecil dan nda berapa kuat.. Kau bulih ba terajui Maccalan Clan kalau kau kawin sama Pam.. Isn't that right sweetheart?"Dia tulak2 pipi Pamela pakai pistol dia. 

"U're sick James!!"-Pamela

"Yeah.. I know.. But Mitch is sicker than me.. U haven't seen him turn into the deathgod aren't u?"-James

"I don't think u ever seen it too James.."-me

"Mitch!! I've found the maid!! and she have the.....bzzzzzzttt....."Kedengaran suara El di jam radio saya tapi nda habis dia cakap terus hilang suara dia. She have what? Does she have my baby?

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