Chapter 1

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Gerard's P.O.V

I freeze as I see a woman's body by the mausoleum. She was sat up, legs spread out infront of her. One hand in her lap, the other by her side with a vodka bottle stood by it. She was wearing a long black dress and had her head resting on her chest. Her long black hair dropping down to cover her face. As I got a little closer my eyes widened. The dress was in tatters. There was blood everywhere. She had gashes on her arms. Stab wounds on her arms and legs. A stab wound on her left side. I put my hand over my mouth. I feel sick. I've never seen a dead body before. I reach in my pocket for my phone to call the police.

Then she moves. She grabs the bottle of vodka and raises it to her mouth. She groans and grabs her her left side, covering the wound. Then she pushes herself up against the mausoleum wall. She lifts her head and looks up at the night sky. There's horrible purple marks on her neck. She has a knife wound on her left shoulder too. There's a lot of blood splatter everywhere. She suddenly looks in my direction and drops the bottle. She has a cut above her right eye. Even with the blood dripping down her face, she's still the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen.

"Hello?" I say taking a few steps towards her.

She drops back down to the floor and pulls her legs up to her chest. Fear filling her face.

I put my hands up. "I won't hurt you." I say taking tentative steps forward. "My name is Gerard. You need help. Let me help you."

Her eyes widen as I stop infront of her and crouch down.

"I need to get you to a hospital."

Her eyes widen further and she shakes her head.

"No?" So I'm not taking her to hospital then. "It's either the hospital or I take you to my friends house. His mum's a doctor."

She closes her eyes and takes a shaky breath. When she opens her eyes, she looks at me and nods in agreement.

"Good. Great." Now to phone Bob. I grab my phone and the girl looks really scared. I smile at her. "I'm just letting my friend know we're going to his." She nods again so I call Bob. He answers after the third ring.

Bob:"Hey dude. What's up?"

Me:"I need you to meet me at yours with your mum."

Bob:"Wait...what? Dude tell me you don't have a crush on my mum."

Me:"No way, man. I'm being serious. I need your mum's expertise."

Bob:"That still sounds wrong."

Me:"I need a bloody Doctor."

Bob:"What? Are you okay, dude?"

Me:"It's not for me. I'll explain when I get there."

We hung up and I turned back to the girl. She was still staring at me.

"Can you walk?" I asked.

She pushed herself up using the wall again. She tried to walk forward, but her leg's gave way. So I picked her up and she froze, shaking.

"It's okay, Sweetie." I soothed. "I'm just going to carry you to my car."

I managed to make it to my car. I open the passenger side and slide her onto the seat then fasten the seat belt. Then I walk round to the drivers side, get in and fasten my seat belt. I look back over at the girl. Her hands are still on her wounds. She's still shaking, facing forward, eyes closed. I start the engine and head towards Bob's house.

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