I Feel Horrible~~angst and fluff pt.1

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I don't really know how to write angst and I don't even think this is how it's done but whatever, I'm doing it in my own way. It's only really a little bit of it too. The rest is fluffy~ also Hyunjin may get a bit uh horny in the beginning so like I don't know what this is lmao.

(Hyunjins POV)
We were sitting in the practice room just taking a break after hours of trying to get the choreography perfect for our comeback. It was a really difficult dance that needed a lot of energy to do it. It would be a lie if I said that I wasn't tired. We were all sitting around the practice room trying to catch our breaths except for one member. That member would be Minho hyung. He would never take a break. He's always over working himself and I really do get worried...a lot. I called over to him to tell him to stop practicing and come sit down but he just said he was fine.

To be honest he looks really hot dancing like that. His facial expressions are on point and the way his thighs look so thick and juicy just makes me want to bite them. I want him to hold me down and cho- "Yah, Hyunjin it's time to go back to the dorms. You coming?" I looked over and saw that Minho hyung was still dancing so I assumed he wasn't going back anytime soon. "Nah, it's okay Lix, I'm gonna stay here and try to fix up a part of the choreography that I can't really get right." "Well okay then. Bye!" I smiled and waved at him.

(Authors POV)
Hyunjin stared at Minho as he was trying to get the dance right. Minho looked like he was having trouble with a part so he went over and helped him. "Here, this is how you do it." He showed him the dance move step by step trying to help the older out. "Yeah I know how to do it Hyunjin." "I know but I was just showing you. Looked like you were having some trouble. That's all." "Hah, got it, thanks." He rolled his eyes at him. Hyunjin got upset at his hyung for being such an ass to him so he did one of the hardest parts of the choreography to show off but instead of nailing it, he got nailed to the ground.

"Whoa there bud be careful alright?" Minho said as he helped the younger up. "I don't need your help." Hyunjin replied in a mocking tone. "Now that's not the way to talk to you're hyung." "Well maybe treat me properly and then I'll treat you like my hyung." "What do you even mean?" Minho said, honestly clueless. "Very funny. You know exactly what I mean Minho." Hyunjin didn't use honorifics. "Okay wow. Why are you being such a little bitch?" Snapped Minho. "I'm not the little bitch sir, you're the little bitch."

Hyunjin pushed Minho by the shoulders and almost made him fall on his ass. "Don't you fucking push me you piece of shit." "Ugh. Stop being a baby." Hyunjin rolled his eyes. Minho walked towards Hyunjin and pushed him until his back hit the wall. He leaned in real close and said, "I'm not the baby. You're the baby. Always wanting to cuddle members and kiss em and shit. If you think everyone actually wants do that shit then you have to have a brain the size of a peanut." Minho spat in the youngers face. Hyunjin got really hurt by those words because he's a sensitive little cutie and started tearing up at what the older said.

(Minhos POV)
Shit why did I say that! Oh no, he's tearing up. Please don't cry, please don't cry, please don't cry- Ah shit he's crying.. "H-hey, Hyunjin, calm down baby." "T-that was m-mean hyung.." Aweee oh my god he's hiccuping. So cute! "I'm sorry Hunjinnie. I didn't mean to say all of those hurtful words. I was just heated up in the moment and said anything that came to mind. I really am sorry.." I said trying to apologize. It didn't work. He was full on sobbing at this point. I sorta freaked out for a few seconds before I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. "Baby, please calm down and breath. You're hyperventilating."

He didn't calm down or try to slow his breathing. I think I broke him. I picked him up and brought him to the couch. I sat down and he put his head in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around his waist (as he was sitting in my lap) and whispered random things in his ear to try to calm him down. "I know what I did was a jerk move but I've been trying to get the choreography right and I guess I was just frustrated since I kept messing it up. I hope you can forgive me sweet thing." I acted like a child, I know (Lee know😏). I've never acted like that towards Hyunjin and I feel absolutely terrible.

I'm always cuddling him when no one else wants to or I'm playing with him when everyone else says they are busy. I don't know why I said he wasn't cute. He's the cutest member in my opinion. He's so cute and soft and just a baby. I feel so bad. I wish I could turn back time and change what happened.

Helloooo. This is the first part for this oneshot so I guess it's a two shot?? Anyways I'll update the rest either tomorrow or when I have time. Sorry if updates are slow. School is rough lol. For the fighting scene I was listening to Miroh so that got me into the mood and yeah. It's great. I know it's horrible I only write when I'm bored so like...hah..
Word Count: 1005

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