Making Happy Memories

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Lil cute one for your Wednesday evening ❤

Dianne wasn't enjoying this date, no matter how much she tried. Joe had accidentally taken her to a bar where she had been stood up by her previous partner. He had no way of knowing, she wouldn't have ever told him, that was her past. Especially because he had been far, far, too excited about it to let him down and ruin his night.

No. Instead, she was trying not to think about the memories this place held- focusing on Joe who was still buzzing.

"This place is amazing!" Joe said, taking her hand across the table. It felt like a stab in the heart when he said that because she knew that his memories of this place would be so different to hers. His would be happy and, hopefully, full of love. Hers not so much. She squeezed his hand and smiled as best as possible, trying not to let her gaze slip to where it so desperately wanted to.

"Are you okay?" Joe asked softly, voice barely audible in the bustle of the bar. He had noticed that her smile hadn't reached her eyes like normal. It didn't crinkle there or even, he noted, produced his favourite thing- her dimple.

Dianne nodded and leaned forward kissing his cheek.

"Love? Come on, just tell me. Would you have rather stayed at home? Or are you just not enjoying it? Shit, are you not feeling well?" He asked, laying a hand on her head.

Dianne squirmed away from his hand and then sighed, "this place, as lovely as it is, has a bad memory for me."

"I'm so sorry Di, I had no idea. Are you okay? I mean stupid question obviously you're not. Do you, shall we go?"

"I just, well basically Anthony was meant to meet me here about a week before the launch show aired. It was meant ti be our last weekend before everything got really hectic. But he stood me up. Then like 4 days later, after I had practically been calling him every 3 hours to see if he was okay and why he hadn't been there, he called me back and ended it and I happened to have been walking past this fucking bar on the call. It's just bad memories and I can't shake them," Dianne explained, finally allowing her gaze to travel over to the bar where he hadn't been.

"Oh." He paused, unsure how to continue, hand still holding hers, "that's, well that's absolutely awful, and I want to do something if you're okay with it," Joe said, as an idea came into his head.

"What?" Dianne asked meeting his gaze.

"I want to replace your memories with happy ones. I want to make you laugh."

Dianne beamed at him and leaned over the table kissing him softly, it felt real this time,"I would love you to."

"Okay so, crap dad jokes first, Knock Knock,"

Dianne rolled her eyes, "who's there?"

"Interupting cow." Joe smirked, knowing she hadn't heard this joke.


"MOOOOO!" He shouted and made Dianne jump in her seat.

"Oh. My. God. Joe, that, wow," she giggled lost for words, clutching her chest.

"I know, ready for another one?" she nodded, "Okay an In The Pan one, what do you call a broken can opener?"

"I have no idea," she was still laughing from that one.

"A can't opener."

"Brilliant!" she was nearly belly laughing but Joe wanted to get her to the point where she was cry laughing.

"Hey babes, I sold my hoover the other day." He said in an essex accent, for no reason but to make her laugh.

"You did, did you, babe?" she tried the accent, failing miserably making her boyfriend laugh at him.

"Well yeah, it was collecting dust!"

"Oh, that was awful," she tried not to laugh but failed, giggling loudly.

"Is it working?" he asked, reaching out and brushing her cheek with his finger tips. 

"Definitely darl, thank you," Dianne said, putting her hand over his.

"Funny story next! So I'll set the scene. Its 2005, I'm 14. It's in science classroom c8 and I'm stoked because I, Joseph Suggary know the answer to the question. The question in question you may be asking, well Dotty Dear, I'll tell you," he said, giving that childlike smile, that filled her tummy with butterflies. She couldn't help but smile back, telling him to continue with her eyes, "what is the scientific word for an individual animal or plant? Well Dianne I knew it, so my hand reached skyward, I was confident I knew this."

"Brainer than me at 15," she said, although she was still smiling and Joe could detect the sarcasm returning.

"So my teacher, now let me see what was his name oh yes, Mr Mowbray, old fella must have been in his early 60s. Anyway he was like 'go on then Mr Sugg'" Joe did his old man voice in a Bristolian accent, imitating what his teacher sounded like. "So proud as punch I shouted out 'orgasm'. In front of 30 14 year olds. Mortified doesn't cut it. I had instead of shouting the correct answer out, the answe organism, I, Joseph Graham Sugg the first of Lacock had just shouted out with full confidence and a certain gusto about me, orgasm."

Dianne had started loudly laughing, as soon as he had said his answer and hadn't stopped. She was gripping her belly having moved to silently laugh, hitting the table. She gasped for air and, as she wiped her eyes, "for fucks sakes, what did you do?"

Joe was laughing too now, "I went bright red. Like cherry tomato red. I was so embarrassed. My science teacher was trying not to laugh, as I corrected myself over and over again. But then I found the funny side and nearly pissed myself laughing. I was really embarrassed though. I told my parents at dinner and they all cry laughed too. There was no sympathy."

"Bless you, I would have laughed to be fair." Dianne said, squeezing his hand, giggling again when she thought about the story. "Thank you. I literally don't deserve you, thank you for doing that for me, Joe, you didn't have to."

"Look we all have bad memories and if I can help you make some new ones then so be it. Are you okay now? I didn't like my sad Dot."

She nodded and leaned over the table kissing him softly, hand rested on his cheek. As they shared the tender moment she felt the old memory slip away, no longer relevant or necessary- her Joe had fixed it all.

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