Absolutely Not

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This was written for dogslovers123 I hope you like it xxx

"Andrew, do we definitely, definitely have everything?" Dianne said, unzipping the dress bags double checking she had all of the necessary dresses.

"We do Dot, what time's your boyfriend getting here then?" Andrew asked teasingly. Joe was travelling up to Blackpool with them and another set of dancers to support his girlfriend and their team.

"He's on his way, 5 minutes, he had to walk because Zoe's poorly and his car's in the garage. Are we picking Neil and Kats up?" Dianne asked, steering the conversation away from Joe.

"Yeah, from the dance school. So how's things going with lover boy? Must be nearly a year now?"

"Next week, we're going to a restaurant in Bath then I'm staying at his," Dianne said, smiling, as she checked her suitcase for the correct shoes and that she had packed her makeup.

"Cute," Andrew said, opening the door to see Joe who had his hand raised in a knock.

"Hi Andrew. My love," Joe said, looking past her brother to his girlfriend. Dianne smiled that addictive smile and leaned forward and kissed him.

"Can we get the stuff in the car and get going now Di, Neil just texted," Andrew said, after they had been hugging for a few seconds too long.

"Come on, let's put this stuff into the car," Joe said, zipping the case up.

"Where's your stuff Darl?" Dianne asked, carrying the dress and suit bags out to the car.

"Here," he turned and showed her his bag which was much much smaller than Andrew and Dianne's. Dianne smiled and put his bag on top of hers.

"We may as well get in the back eh, save moving when we get to Neil and Katya," Joe said, hand resting on her side, as Andrew made sure the garments were hanging straight.

"Ready to go then?" Andrew checked, as they sat in the back of the car separated by the middle seat. Dianne and Joe nodded, holding hands across it, happy to be reunited after their busy weeks.


"The amount your sister sleeps is unbelievable," Katya commented, looking to the back of the car to see Dianne still asleep on Joe.

"Tell me about it, she falls asleep everywhere," Andrew said, rolling his eyes, "ready to stop everyone, could do with a bit of a stretch?"

"Yeah, whenever," Neil said, Joe nodding along.

"Wake up sleeping beauty then, we're only 2 mins away from a servo," Andrew said loudly to Joe who had already started to wake his girlfriend up, by shaking her shoulder gently.

"Hi sunshine, good nap?" He asked, when she opened her eyes and yawned loudly, nearly hitting Neil in the face with her stretch.

"Are we there yet?" She asked, once she had apologised and sat up a bit straighter, pulling Joe's jumper on, for feeling the post nap shivers starting.

"Not even close, we've been going 2 hours and we've got another 2 maybe 2 and a half hours to go, we're stopping at a services," Joe said, tucking a piece of hair out of her eyes, kissing her gently when she leaned in lips puckered.

"You make me sick," Neil commented, nudging the brunette, who was like his little sister.

"Imagine having to deal with it twenty-four seven," Andrew laughed, pulling into a car parking space.

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