First Day. Chapter 2.

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"matt this is embarrassing" Pidge mumbled at matt draped his arms over her shoulders resting his head on top of hers since he was taller then his short twin.

"but my bum is numb" Matt mumbled back since the assembly lasted for an hour, lance and hunk chuckled as they stood in front of pidge and matt just watching the way too different twins act. 

"are you sure your both twins, your nothing alike" Hunk asked with a friendly smile.

"I'm sure he adopted, they must have gave me the wrong female sister back" Pidge joked.

"stop trying to make everything think I'm the girl ... i only screamed once over that huge hairy spider" Matt frowned and the other three laughed.

"I'm with matt on this, spiders that hair tons of hair is scream worthy" Lance grinned and matt plop of his sister and high fived lance. 

"yeah I'm not a fan of bugs either" Hunk replied with a small smile.

"great so I'm the only who can handle .. you three better knock of my door in the middle of the night screaming becuase you saw a spider or bug becuase i wont be helping" Pidge sighed and crossed her arms.

"no way your staying at the school dorms too" Hunk smiled.

"yeah I'm in dorm 6 and my sister is in dorm 5" Matt smiled.

"well I'm dorm number 3 and hunk in dorm room 2" Lance smiled. 

"so we all lucky enough to be on the second floor of the dorms since the first floor is for special students who paid a lot for posh dorms" Pidge sighed and the others nodded. 

As the four stood talking someone bumped into matt making him push into pidge. Pidge stumbled but kept her balance thanks to lance holding an arm out to help her. 

"watch it" the student hissed as he glared at matt.

"your the one who bumped into me" Matt replied crossing his arms.

"class 2 should keep out of class 1 way if you wanna keep your place in this school" the male student warned.

"I'm in class 1 but now i knew that everyone could get in the class" Matt hissed back, Hunk and lance panicking slightly while pidge just watched. 

"class well then why dont you come hang with my crew instead of hanging with these loser" the student asked with a grin and glance at the other three near matt disapprovingly. 

"no thanks i rather pick good friends then prats" Matt replied making the student more mad.

"are you picking a fight" the student growled and Matt panic a little since he wasn't the fighter in their family and he never really fought before and this got some students to turn and watch.

"nope but you will be if you dont keep moving" Pidge growled back and stood beside her brother. 

"you .. oh my have you come to cheer you big brother up .. middle schoolers shouldn't be hanging around here or are you lost" the student asked and more students started to watch.

"I'm in class 2 you asshat" Pidge hissed. 

"a student wow who knew they let kids in now" the student laughed.

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