Fighting Back. Chapter 8.

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Warning, I have never read the Heroes of Olympus ... I just like this song and used it. I know it shows Heroes of the Olympus by the title that all I know about it. So, please dont start asking me anything or thinking I know about it becuase I dont sadly. 

"So our plan" Allura asked as the small group walked down the hall trying to not be seen or caught.

"Stop the guys who over took the hotel and hope the children who we helped leave by the fire exit along with dragging the teacher doesn't get seen and calls for help" Lance replied with a bright smile.

"Also not to get killed" Hunk added and Lance nodded in agreement.

"will you three shut up or do you want them to know we coming" Keith hissed as he glanced to the three who gave sorry looks.

"I count four, three just standing and talking but look to the first split to the lifts and you can see the end of a gun making it four men" Shiro frowned as he, Pidge and Matt looked around the corner in a small open hall area.

"I would say sneaking over might be a good idea but two of the three would see us and the fourth guy would shoot us even if we got close to the three guys" Matt sighed and rubbed his arm slightly.

"Allura use your crystal powers to keep the four stuck in place .. I'll stop their guns and you guys knock them out" Pidge replied and everyone nodded before watching Allura grow crystals trapping the four men in place and the guys coming apart before laying on the ground in bits. Keith, Lance and Keith ran at the three throwing hard punches at them knocking the three out and Pidge punched the fourth guy while Matt and Hunk kept look out to make sure no one else came towards them from around the next corner. 

"Should we really leave them trapped" Hunk asked with worry as Pidge grew veins around the four knocked our men as gags to make sure they couldn't scream when woken up and let others know their trouble. 

"If they wake up then they warn their mates and we have a higher chance of dying" Matt explained and Hunk gave a slight nod. 

"we better move on, we dont want to stay in one place too long when the rest of the men are getting ready to kill more students or teachers" Shiro frowned as he walked over to Matt and Hunk.

"Do we take the lift or the stairs, I mean they wouldnt expect us to really use the lift but it means we come out at the hotel main entrance the biggest open area in this place" Lance mumbled as he rubbed his neck.

"Stairs" Keith replied without needing to think.

"Yeah, we be wide open by using the lift and I'm sure they have the most men at the main entrance of the building" Pidge sighed and the group started walking again. 

They took out another five guys before reaching the stairs and slowly walking down, the hotel was only two floors, the ground floor and the first floor meaning they didnt need to worry above anyone coming down the stairs. They stayed as silent as they could not wanting their footsteps to echo and warn anyone who was at the bottom of the steps. 

Once they reached the bottom they slowly walked down the halls knowing they would be coming up to the main meeting room where the second years had their assembly while their was in the meeting hall on the floor they just came from. 

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