Beach. Chapter 6.

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I just wish to say sorry for not updating and just stopping the book.

I kept having things get in the way when I was writing this story and just lost the excitement and joy for it.

But now I re-read my other chapters and since I'm hoping things will be calm with the lock down, I can start writing this story again.

I just want to say Sorry again for stopping without a word or reason before. 

"Why dont we take a sip in the sea" Lance grinned as he looked to the ocean like an excied child.

"Sure, we do have free time while other groups fight each other and then our training tomorrow" Shiro smiled as they all started walking towards the ocean but Pidge stood looking towards the blue water but in her eyes it was dirty, mixed with fresh and old blood .. blood from the soldiers she killed. 

"Dont worry, we can just dip our feet in since non of us can swim in the ocean well" Hunk smiled kindly as he notice Pidge wasnt walking to them but she stayed looking at a different sight. 

Bodies covered the yellow sand, the ocean waves crashing was now the screams and cries of the dying. The waster completly a dirty brown no longer a pretty blue like she saw in books. She glanced around no longer seeing her new friends or brotehr but finding herself to be alone. She closed her eyes hoping to find herself back to the present not her past but as she opened her eyes she only saw empty cell wepaons like herself. All stood in place ready to leave without a trace now their mission and orders were complete. 

She glanced down to her hand feeling the slight warmth she was given after being given slight freedom and her brother taking her to voltron academy fading away. She raised her cold fingers to her face feeling it turn emotionless and her lips a stright robot like line. She felt nothing and was just numb, ready to follow her orders given at any time. To kill or be killed giving her freedom once in her life as she was promised. 

She tensed as she felt something cold wrap around her ankle and turned to see another weapon grabbing her with tears leaking from their eyes making her know they were about to take their last breath while feeling alive for once. She blinked as their eyes turned dull, it was a sight she knew too well and it no longer bothered her as much as it should. 


Her eyes snapped open and she jumped back as she saw her friends worried faces, her brother standing before her with fear in his eyes. She turned to her ankle finding it untouched and to see no bodies laying around. She felt a slight warmth in her body making her not as numb as she once was. Her lips parted to show she could smile even if it was just a simple one since she was still showing how to express one feelings. 

The ocean was no longer dirty and a ocean blue.

She steady her breathing before closing her eyes letting herself calmed. She opened them once she knew she was ok and saw everyone still looking at her with worry making her feel something but she didnt understand what, not yet. 

She gave a small smile and nodded to her brother letting him know she was ok  once again. Matt smiled and pulled her into a tight hug before pulled back leaving his hands on her shoulders.

"Ready to hit the ocean .. Warning its not as great as those story books" Matt grinned acting like the last couple minutes didnt happen. 

"Yes, Sorry for worrying you all I just had a blonde moment" Pidge replied and her friends gave kind smiles in return now they knew she was ok, they didnt understand what happened but they knew she was ok. 

"Just dont push yourself" Keith spoke with a sweet smile and ruffle her hair before they all walked towards the ocean. 

They all started to take of the vets, tops, hoddies or jackets they used at an extra laying not wanting to be stuck in their swimsuits during the full battle or waiting around for their training battle since the sun was out and sun cream didnt last forever nor did cold drinks.

Shiro took of his black sleeveless hoddies, making him only wearing his black swim trunks with purple stripes on the side that ended at his knee  on.

Matt took off his short sleeve beach shirt and brown baggy vest leaving him in orange swim trucks that ended just under his knees.

Hunk took off his long sleeve yellow hoddies with a picture of cake leaving him in his dark yellow swim trunks that ended part way to his skins making them seem more like semi trousers then shorts in the others eyes.

Lance pulled off his light blue polo top leaving himself in his dark blue swim trunks that ended mid thigh and he was proud of how small his shorts were.

Keith took off his dark red tight vest and blood red zipper jacket leaving himself in his red shorts with a black line on the sides that ended just above his knees. He even left his fingerless black gloves in his jacket pocket making the others slightly proud of him.

Pidge took off her light mint green zipper jacket off, the others turning to her since she had her jacket zipped up the whole time and no one really seen her swimsuit yet making them wonder if matt made a good choice or not.  Pidge was in a two piece swim suit, it was dark green. The top half had a white thick single strap that went around her neck and a small red flower sat on the sports like top half but not hiding her clearly growing breast. The second half was like shorts but hat had a white shirt that went over to give it a nice pretty look and it suited Pidge body shape and pale sink. 

Pidge tilted her head to the side wondering if the swimsuit was good or not since no one said anything bad nor good they just stared at her. She felt strange since this was her first time not wearing a bra since you dont ware one with swimsuits or so said the internet, she had to look it up. The goverment gave her sports bras when she was a younger but once she turned twelve she was given a proper bra to help but since she was an emotional weapon that only wore unifrom, she never knew if she made a normal outfit look ok. 

"You look cute" Keith mutter with a soft smile and red cheeks making her fill up with warmth for a second before it faded away.

"Thanks, You all handsome" Pidge smiled slightly and the boys smiled back before walking the last distance to the ocean making sure their clothes wouldnt get wet, well their jackets or tops since their school unifrom and spare clothes were in the hotel. 

"Ocean" Matt cheered as he ran up ahead with Lance, Shiro and Hunk chasing the two child like teens to make sure they didnt jump too far out into the ocean. 

"You loot very hot in that swimsuit" Pidge whispered as she walked beside Keith, she didnt understand why he stood out more when she looked to the group of boys but he did and she wanted to tell him while the others weren't around.

"I do" Keith mumbled in shock and glanced to her seeing her nod.

"Very" She smirked slightly before running away and letting a yelp out as the cold water touched her skin making the others laugh. 

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