An Old Memory. Chapter 3.

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I beautiful blue ocean turned red as blood fills it. 

Warm yellow sand hidden under the dead and dying.

Screams and cries end after whispers of names. 

The bright blue sky with a shining sin hidden by dark clouds and pouring rain like god was crying himself at the horrible sight. 

Only a few stood ...

Non daring to speak a word as they look at the sights around them showing not just a one sided blood but a blood bath. 

It was clear the enemy had no chance of winning this battle and was killed without mercy. 

As soon as the last of the secret weapons had came they were gone once the wind hit the reaming human soldiers that were luckily enough to survive a weapon blood lust wrath since they cant tell who the enemy and who not when fighting to kill. 

All But one secret left standing as the wind stopped, one that looked to the bloody ocean taking on every details. 

She knew the others of her kind already left liked order but she wanted to see the end result. 

She turned to a solder who looked the right age to join up unlike her who was forced. He looked at her with fear and shook as her cold eyes turned to him. He wanted to beg for him life and cry out but his lips wouldn't stop timberline.

She turned and looked to an enemy soldier limp body, she saw he held a photo of his family.

He had two sons, a daughter and a happy wife waiting for him and she made it so they wait forever.

Guilt was washed away as the rain covered her washing the mixed blood away and any tears that might have leaked that night.

She closed her eyes as the wind hit again and she was gone once the wind stopped blowing.

All what was left of her on that beach was a footprint in the bloody sand that be washed away by the rain.



"now do you see the beautiful ocean blue sea and pretty yellow sand that normal humans would see or a bloody battle like i do" a voice asked behind her making her freeze as she noticed she wasn't seeing the beautiful beach her brother showed from a book. She only saw a bloody battle. 

"you seem to young to know of war" She replied and turned to the boy who looked her age.

"your right but when the war started my rick father signed me up since my gift is strong enough for war ... while my friends play football i was killing" he frowned, his long white hair blowing in the wind and he had pretty purple eyes. But he was dangerous she could tell.

"so you were a war child, i heard about that case but if i remember rightly you didnt actually fight until the second year into the war meaning you didnt see the worse of it when no soldier was tired of battle and only wanted to kill" Pidge replied and the boy nodded.

"it seems like you did agent green" He smirked.

"didnt expect to see you project purple" Pidge sighed.

"well neither did i, shouldn't you be fighting or something instead of being in school" the boy asked with a small smile.

"i was given free will" Pidge replied.

"well i still dislike you but I'm glad your here to see what i see becuase I'm sick of being the only who stuck in the past" he hissed and pidge nodded in understanding. 

"dont blow my cover here, just say we met at the hospital, my school thinks i was  sickly child and only now been given freedom" Pidge replied.

"i wont tell, i know better then make you mad" He grinned and she smirked.

"pidge, nice to meet you" Pidge grinned and held her hand out.

"Lotor, its a pleasure to meet you too" Lotor smiled and shook her hand. 

"sis its time to pick rooms" Matt yelled and waved his sister over.

"I'll see you around" Lotor smiled.

"try not to cause too much trouble" Pidge smiled before walking towards her brother and friends.

"now why would they let such a beast out .. she too dangerous for this world" Lotor frowned as he watched Pidge reach the small group of guys. 

"who was he" Matt asked with worry.

"Lotor, i met him once when i was in hospital for a check up ... he just came to see if i was ok to be on this trip" Pidge lied with a sweet smile.

"i cant believe you know Lotor Galra, he one of the most powerful students in the world and his father a war lord who fought in many battles and helped protect this country" Lance said with a grin.

"i know Mr Galra seen a lot of war but i hear he not a very nice guy and his son just as bad if he doesn't like you" Hunk said with worry.

"then we dont get on his bad side" Keith replied.

"lets just pick roommates, it seem its two in each room" Shiro smiled and the group of six froze since it meant someone was going to room with pidge ... the only girl. 

"i wont let any of you pigs room with my sister" Matt yelled and crossed his arms.

"I'm not a total perv" Lance yelled back.

"i room with lance to make sure he behaves" Hunk smiled while lance sulked.

"then i guess me and shiro will room together" Keith replied.

"seems like a plan and this way we all with someone we use to and we dont need to worry over anyone" Shiro kindly smiled.

"sounds good to me" Pidge smiled and they all got the room key before going to their room finding them all on the same floor just like the dorms. 

The six all went to their rooms to unpack and sleep for the night since it was already late in the evening when the school bus arrived. Pidge called dibs on the bed by the balcony and matt didnt mind the bed closer to the bathroom door. They took turns showering and changing into PJs before jumping in their beds whishing each other a goodnight before letting sleep take over. 

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