Goodbye. Chapter 11.

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Pidge slowly opened her eyes, she felt so safe and at peace while strong arms stayed gently but tightly wrapped around her. She listened to his steady heartbeat and enjoyed the warmth that filled into her from his own body, a body with a higher temperature thanks to his gifted power.  

She glanced finding him asleep while keeping her held close, his back to against the wall as they sat on the single bed. He was still wearing his uniform showing he haven't let her gone since she must turned into Green. She remembered everything, she just had no control like she wasn't the person she wanted to be anymore. She frowned as she remembered his desperate eyes for her to not leave or follow her orders. She remembered his whispers to forgive him as she blacked out. 

She wondered why he risked so much to stop her when he could have just forgotten about her and live his own life without worry. She wondered while he wouldnt let her go either when he could have just held her over instead of being on high alert in fear of them coming to take her from his hold. She could tell they already tried many times  

She smiled as she glanced around slowly sitting up trying not to wake him while seeing a circle of flames around the bed stopping from anyone else getting close while he slept. She turned back to the sleeping boy and couldn't help the soft smile on her lips. He looked so clam and she giggled when he twitched a little while his arms tighten to make sure she was still close before going back at peace. 

"thank you" She whispered, lifting her right hand placing it over his scar cheek. 

She soon tensed as he eyes slowly opened, just looking into her hazel ones before blinking a couple times like he was in a dream.

"Pidge" He asked unsure making her giggle and nod.

"Did you sleep well" She asked with a sweet smile and he pulled her into a tight hug making her wrap her arms around his neck returning the gesture. 

"I was worried" Keith mutter as he leaned his forehead on hers losing his grip on her and just keep his hands on her hips. 

"Sorry" She frowned making his eyes filled with worry.

"Dont be, I just wasn't sure who would wake up the girl I know or the girl who I didnt. I lie, I was scared pidge wouldnt wake up again" Keith replied in  weak voice as his purple eyes shined slightly.

"I'm glad I met you Keith, I'm glad I was put in class 2 and was placed in the desk in front of yours. I'm glad I became friends with you, Shiro, Lance and Hunk even if we all so crazily strange. I'm glad I was given a chance to enjoy life as someone free even if I was hiding apart of myself that I know I will always be. So, thank you Keith for trying to give me a home, I just wish I could return to the place you gave me to belong too once more" Pidge smiled warmly as tears filled her eyes and Keith just looking into her teary hazel eyes. 

"You do have a home with us and you can return, we will return back together I promise you" Keith spoke determined and placed his hands on her cheeks making her look at him and him alone. 

"I'm too dangerous Keith, I'm pidge yet I will always be Green who can lose control at any time. I dont want to hurt anyone, I dont want to hurt the boys but more importantly I dont ever want to hurt you" Pidge spoke with fear and Keith frowned. 

"Losing you will hurt me" Keith weakly smiled as his own eyes turned slightly teary, his hands falling from her cheeks back to her hips weakly. 

"As would losing you by my own hands" Pidge whispered watching Keith eyes widen. 

Pidge felt his hands tighten on her hips before she placed her hand back on his cheek giving a soft smile. She closed her eyes before leaning forward and placing a sweet kiss on his lips feeling him lean forward to deepen it before she pulled away slowly opening her eyes once again. 

She gave a warm smile before climbing of his lap stepping off the bed, her hands taking her glasses off and placing them in his hands while she stood before him. She knew his flames wouldnt harm her, she trusted him with her life.

"Goodbye" She whispered with a soft smile, tears falling from her eyes as she looked to him noticing tears falling from his beautiful purple eyes. 

She walked to the door of a weapon dorm, a prison like room made with four concrete walls with a single bed pushed to one wall and a metal door being the only entrance and exit. Only guard could open the doors from the outside and their would be twelve rooms lined up in one row with six rows for each weapons dorms hangers. She knocked on the door, letting the guard open it before stepping out, letting the guard lead her to her parents and leaving the door open for Keith to leave. She knew the room they placed him in was her own one during her times as green, she just wished he didnt need to see how she used to live and soon will be living. 

Each step she changed into the person she was born to be. 

The warmth she was given by Keith and her friends slowly faded away leaving her cold. 

The pain from her fresh injuries turned numb making her walk like she was never hurt. 

The smile she once held now long gone and her face showed no emption.

Her eyes turning dull and lifeless like she was never truly human.

She walked like a empty doll, a cell without life. 

But she knew those days as Pidge was true becuase as she reached her fingers to her face she notice her finger tips were wet. 

Tears .. she was still crying while feeling no pain or joy.

Tears for the memories of Pidge that became locked up within her heart. 

Tears she could cry. 

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