Home. Chapter 12.

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Its been two weeks since Pidge was Green full time but she felt strange, she couldn't be fully green. She was green but she was Green when she would be around her brother not full time weapon but slightly sister. She still had a clear mind and didnt have her heart into being the perfect weapon like she was before the war. She completed her ordered like normal but she felt different, she would think more then she use too and look at certain sights more. 

She showed no emotion but she understood the world and wasn't just a robot used to kill. She turned to the body that laid on the road. A man who planned to attack a goverment building and blow it up, someone she was sent to kill with the rest of her given unit. Just two others weapons, one a year older then her and one a year younger. 

She turned to the one younger, he laid on the ground bleeding to death but she and the other knew he couldn't be saved. She watched as he cried tears and feel emotion once again as death came close. She watched as his guilt and regret filled his eyes while his mind and heart became free. 

"Danny" He whispered with a bright smile, his name he had a true name not just the weapon name he was given. He could say his name as death took him and made him a free man. 

A feeling she never truly felt but came close while she lived as Pidge. Yes Pidge wasn't her true name but it was a given name for her to be almost free with. She watched as the boy life drained from his eyes as he took his last breath. 

The other weapon moved on looking to the man they were ordered to kill. Checking he was fully dead before checking his body for anything he may have used to bomb with or plans. Once he was fully sure the man had nothing on him he stood again and turned to her. 

She nodded knowing their orders were over and they both should return to base without a trace of ever being here. She glanced to their fallen weapon and frowned. The rain hitting hard and drenching their weapon unifrom but she didnt care, she couldn't feel the coldness. She didnt notice how drenched she was as she stood watching the fallen weapon blood wash away with the pouring wet. She turned and notice the other boy already left as thunder was heard. 

She looked to the sky letting the ran full on her face before closing her eyes taking a deep breath as another thunder was heard. 

But she no longer stood on the road, no sign of her was ever there as the rain kept falling where she once stood. 

She just disappeared without a trace. 

But she never returned back to the base, instead she found herself outside the voltron academy dorms looking to the floor that held her friends dorms. 

But more importantly she looked to a certain room, one that kept pulling her back to the voltron academy. One that told her she had a place to belong, a place she was given to call home. 

She stood in the rain, the dark night keeping her hidden and she knew the guards wouldnt patrol not when they just watch the camra footage for any trouble but she knew the camra blind spots. 

She stayed looking to the room wondering if she could ever truly reply, she didnt understand why but she couldn't forget the place she could call home. 

Why couldn't she just walk away and leave them behind to live with peace, why did she want to run back and just be pidge with them once again. 

She tensed as the curtain was pulled back and she saw his shining purple eyes look around for any sign of someone else before walking away from the window once more. 

She let a breath of relief out that he didnt see her since she knew she wouldnt be able to just walk away this time.

She noticed something warm run down her face and felt herself crying.

She was crying

True Tears

She jumped as warm arms wrapped around her, pulling her close to his chest without a single word before said. 

She glanced up seeing the gentle smile on his lips and how his eyes shined at seeing her again. 

"Welcome Home" He whispered and she felt all her walls smash making her truly become Pidge. 

"I'm home" She smiled sweetly making him chuckle.

"GET THE FUCK INSIDE YOU IDIOTS" matt yelled making them both tense before turning to the dorms entrance seeing Shiro, Lance, Hunk and Matt standing with bright smiles. 

"You two are going to catch a cold" Hunk yelled with a worried smile.

"We kept your dorm room how you like it and we throw in a hot chocolate if you end your moment quicker" Lance grinned making Pidge let a small laugh escape her lips.

"Lets get inside, I think the others missed you too" Keith smiled and took her hand and leading her to the others.

"Welcome back, we missed you" Shiro smiled and Pidge nodded with a small smile.

"Its nice to be back and this time I'm planning on staying" Pidge smiled and Matt passed her glasses back making her place them on before the others laughed as they fogged up. 

A Secret Weapon (Kidge)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu