Chapter 18

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To say I was happy to find a working washer and dryer in a back closet upstairs was an understatement. It didn't take much convincing for Jace to allow me to do laundry while we cleaned the up most level of the house. Doing laundry felt normal and reminded me of the mundane chores that I actually use to enjoy. Jace watched on amused while I carefully measured out soap and bleach for washing whites. We'd have a clean set of sheets and a clean mattress -- thanks to Jace using the brush on the carpet cleaner-- to sleep on that night.

We spent the day cleaning just like the pervious day, while rain pelted against the windows. By dinner time we were finishing up. I piled folded laundry into Jace's arms to be carried to the bedroom and dealt with later. Jace didn't make it to the bedroom though. Instead he bumped a wall and caused the laundry to topple over him. I couldn't stop the grin when a pair of boxers attached themselves to his head.

He looked at my face and paused taking in my wide grin and white teeth. He made a weird sound in his throat.

"Need some help?" I asked reaching to pick up a shirt from the floor. He didnt respond for several seconds but finally, he nodded.

The next day was overcast but no rain had fallen yet. I was cleaning base boards with the window open in the living room while Jace was outside doing something while the weather held up. The previous two days had been rather good. As good as they could be when you're being held against your will. I frowned, for a moment I had forgotten why I was there. Had forgotten all the bad that Jace had done. Had forgotten that he intended to keep me as his rib whether I liked it or not.

I couldn't lose focus, I needed to remember that once his trust was earned then I'd have to run. Get as far from him as possible. I looked at the open window. It wasn't the time. He was just outside and I'd be caught easily. I had to wait but if I could keep him happy then maybe my opportunity would come sooner rather than later.

I got up to shut the window to avoid temptation. In the dirty glass I could see my reflection. My blue hair fading back to blond. My blue eyes dull with dark circles underneath. My face was pale, cheeks slowly sinking in. Carefully I leaned in placing my hand on the window seal to keep my balance. I hated my reflection. It always felt like I was looking at my brother.

The window slammed shut on my hand breaking my fingers. I cried out flinging myself backwards into Jace. Pain ripped its way through my arm causing tears to form in my eyes. Jace glared at me through the reflection.

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