01 | The Team

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Ahra's POV

I stood still as the monitor in front of me shut down.

Where am I supposed to go next?

I walked around the enormous building, hoping to meet at least one person. I don't even know when and how I got here.

Just as I turned at a corner, I bumped into someone's chest. A rather tall guy that is. I apologized and walked away hurriedly.

"Yah, you!"

I stopped in my tracks and bit my lip, turning around to face him.

"You're lost, aren't you?"

He eyed me as I shook my head.

"No, I'm not. I was just heading to the registration counter."


"Oh, okay."

So, there IS one!

He walked away as I sighed in relief. I was about to walk again when I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned around and saw the tall guy from before.

"One thing, tho. There's no registration counter." he smirked as I gulped.


He brought me to a room and held the door open.

"Get in, Hongjoong will deal with you."

I observed the room, trying to figure out where I'm at. The chairs were all made of leather and the stuff around the room looked very pricey. I took a seat in one of the fancy-looking chairs. I don't know where the hell I'm at, who the hell was that & how the hell I got here. All I know is that, these guys must be rich doing god knows what.


I quickly ran for the door when it opened itself. A redhead stood in front of me, looking me up and down as I stood there like a statue. Feeling terrified, I kicked him at the wrong spot, making him drop to the ground.


"SO THIS IS AGENT 09???" the tall guy from before stood beside the redhead, looking at me shockingly.

"Why are you so suprised?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, to start off, you're a girl."


"We've never had a girl hitman. Hitwoman to be exact."

"Just call me hitman please."

"Call the rest of the team, we're going to hold a meeting." the redhead ordered the tall guy as he exited the room, leaving the both of us alone.

"So, have you met Coter?"


"The computer that gives you instructions."

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